Source code for oss2.iterators

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-


This module contains some easy-to-use iterators for enumerating bucket, file, parts and more.

from .models import MultipartUploadInfo, SimplifiedObjectInfo
from .exceptions import ServerError

from . import defaults

class _BaseIterator(object):
    def __init__(self, marker, max_retries):
        self.is_truncated = True
        self.next_marker = marker

        max_retries = defaults.get(max_retries, defaults.request_retries)
        self.max_retries = max_retries if max_retries > 0 else 1

        self.entries = []

    def _fetch(self):
        raise NotImplemented    # pragma: no cover

    def __iter__(self):
        return self

    def __next__(self):
        while True:
            if self.entries:
                return self.entries.pop(0)

            if not self.is_truncated:
                raise StopIteration


    def next(self):
        return self.__next__()

    def fetch_with_retry(self):
        for i in range(self.max_retries):
                self.is_truncated, self.next_marker = self._fetch()
            except ServerError as e:
                if e.status // 100 != 5:

                if i == self.max_retries - 1:

[docs]class BucketIterator(_BaseIterator): """Iterator for bucket. Returns a :class:`SimplifiedBucketInfo <oss2.models.SimplifiedBucketInfo>` instance for each iteration (via next()). :param service: :class:`Service <oss2.Service>` instance . :param prefix: Bucket name prefix. Only buckets with the prefix specified are listed. :param marker: Paging marker. Only lists buckets whose name is after the marker in the lexicographic order. :param max_keys: The maximum number of keys to return for `list_objects` . Note that the total entries the iterator returns can be more than that. """ def __init__(self, service, prefix='', marker='', max_keys=100, max_retries=None): super(BucketIterator, self).__init__(marker, max_retries) self.service = service self.prefix = prefix self.max_keys = max_keys def _fetch(self): result = self.service.list_buckets(prefix=self.prefix, marker=self.next_marker, max_keys=self.max_keys) self.entries = result.buckets return result.is_truncated, result.next_marker
[docs]class ObjectIterator(_BaseIterator): """Iterator for files in a bucket. Returns a :class:`SimplifiedObjectInfo <oss2.models.SimplifiedObjectInfo>` instance for each iteration (via next()). When `SimplifiedObjectInfo.is_prefix()` is True, the object is a common prefix (directory, not a file); Otherwise, it is a file. :param bucket: :class:`Bucket <oss2.Bucket>` instance. :param prefix: The file name prefix. :param delimiter: Delimiter for the directory. :param marker: Paging marker. :param max_keys: The maximum number of keys to return for each `list_objects` call. Note that the total entries that the iterator returns can be more than this value. """ def __init__(self, bucket, prefix='', delimiter='', marker='', max_keys=100, max_retries=None): super(ObjectIterator, self).__init__(marker, max_retries) self.bucket = bucket self.prefix = prefix self.delimiter = delimiter self.max_keys = max_keys def _fetch(self): result = self.bucket.list_objects(prefix=self.prefix, delimiter=self.delimiter, marker=self.next_marker, max_keys=self.max_keys) self.entries = result.object_list + [SimplifiedObjectInfo(prefix, None, None, None, None, None) for prefix in result.prefix_list] self.entries.sort(key=lambda obj: obj.key) return result.is_truncated, result.next_marker
[docs]class MultipartUploadIterator(_BaseIterator): """Iterator of ongoing parts in multiparts upload. Returns a :class:`MultipartUploadInfo <oss2.models.MultipartUploadInfo>` instance for each iteration. When `MultipartUploadInfo.is_prefix()` is True, the instance is a folder. Otherwise it is a file. :param bucket: :class:`Bucket <oss2.Bucket>` instance. :param prefix: The file key prefix. Only parts of those files will be listed. :param delimiter: The directory delimeter. :param key_marker: Paging marker. :param upload_id_marker: Paging upload ID marker. :param max_uploads: Maximum entries for each `list_multipart_uploads` call. Note that the total entries that the iterator returns can be more than this value. """ def __init__(self, bucket, prefix='', delimiter='', key_marker='', upload_id_marker='', max_uploads=1000, max_retries=None): super(MultipartUploadIterator, self).__init__(key_marker, max_retries) self.bucket = bucket self.prefix = prefix self.delimiter = delimiter self.next_upload_id_marker = upload_id_marker self.max_uploads = max_uploads def _fetch(self): result = self.bucket.list_multipart_uploads(prefix=self.prefix, delimiter=self.delimiter, key_marker=self.next_marker, upload_id_marker=self.next_upload_id_marker, max_uploads=self.max_uploads) self.entries = result.upload_list + [MultipartUploadInfo(prefix, None, None) for prefix in result.prefix_list] self.entries.sort(key=lambda u: u.key) self.next_upload_id_marker = result.next_upload_id_marker return result.is_truncated, result.next_key_marker
[docs]class ObjectUploadIterator(_BaseIterator): """Iterator of ongoing multiparts uploads. It returns a :class:`MultipartUploadInfo <oss2.models.MultipartUploadInfo>` instance for each iteration. When `MultipartUploadInfo.is_prefix()` is true, it means the common prefix (folder). :param bucket: :class:`Bucket <oss2.Bucket>` instance. :param key: The object key. :param max_uploads: Max entries for each list_multipart_uploads call. Note that the total entries the iterator returns can be more than this value. """ def __init__(self, bucket, key, max_uploads=1000, max_retries=None): super(ObjectUploadIterator, self).__init__('', max_retries) self.bucket = bucket self.key = key self.next_upload_id_marker = '' self.max_uploads = max_uploads def _fetch(self): result = self.bucket.list_multipart_uploads(prefix=self.key, key_marker=self.next_marker, upload_id_marker=self.next_upload_id_marker, max_uploads=self.max_uploads) self.entries = [u for u in result.upload_list if u.key == self.key] self.next_upload_id_marker = result.next_upload_id_marker if not result.is_truncated or not self.entries: return False, result.next_key_marker if result.next_key_marker > self.key: return False, result.next_key_marker return result.is_truncated, result.next_key_marker
[docs]class PartIterator(_BaseIterator): """Iterator of uploaded parts of a specific multipart upload. It returns a :class:`PartInfo <oss2.models.PartInfo>` instance for each iteration. :param bucket: :class:`Bucket <oss2.Bucket>` instance. :param key: Object key. :param upload_id: Upload ID. :param marker: Paging marker. :param max_parts: The max parts for each `list_parts` call. Note that the total entries the iterator returns can be more than this value. """ def __init__(self, bucket, key, upload_id, marker='0', max_parts=1000, max_retries=None): super(PartIterator, self).__init__(marker, max_retries) self.bucket = bucket self.key = key self.upload_id = upload_id self.max_parts = max_parts def _fetch(self): result = self.bucket.list_parts(self.key, self.upload_id, marker=self.next_marker, max_parts=self.max_parts) self.entries = return result.is_truncated, result.next_marker
[docs]class LiveChannelIterator(_BaseIterator): """Iterator of Live Channel in a bucket. It returns a :class:`LiveChannelInfo <oss2.models.LiveChannelInfo>` instance for each iteration. :param bucket: :class:`Bucket <oss2.Bucket>` instance. :param prefix: Live Channel prefix. :param marker: Paging marker. :param max_keys: Max entries for each `list_live_channel` call. Note that the total entries that the iterator returns can be more than this value. """ def __init__(self, bucket, prefix='', marker='', max_keys=100, max_retries=None): super(LiveChannelIterator, self).__init__(marker, max_retries) self.bucket = bucket self.prefix = prefix self.max_keys = max_keys def _fetch(self): result = self.bucket.list_live_channel(prefix=self.prefix, marker=self.next_marker, max_keys=self.max_keys) self.entries = result.channels return result.is_truncated, result.next_marker