Source code for oss2.task_queue

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import threading
import sys

from .defaults import get_logger

    import Queue as queue
except ImportError:
    import queue

import traceback

[docs]class TaskQueue(object): def __init__(self, producer, consumers): self.__producer = producer self.__consumers = consumers self.__threads = [] # must be an infinite queue, otherwise producer may be blocked after all consumers being dead. self.__queue = queue.Queue() self.__lock = threading.Lock() self.__exc_info = None self.__exc_stack = ''
[docs] def run(self): self.__add_and_run(threading.Thread(target=self.__producer_func)) for c in self.__consumers: self.__add_and_run(threading.Thread(target=self.__consumer_func, args=(c,))) # give KeyboardInterrupt chances to happen by joining with timeouts. while self.__any_active(): for t in self.__threads: t.join(1) if self.__exc_info: get_logger().debug('An exception was thrown by producer or consumer, backtrace: {0}'.format(self.__exc_stack)) raise self.__exc_info[1]
[docs] def put(self, data): assert data is not None self.__queue.put(data)
[docs] def get(self): return self.__queue.get()
[docs] def ok(self): with self.__lock: return self.__exc_info is None
def __add_and_run(self, thread): thread.daemon = True thread.start() self.__threads.append(thread) def __any_active(self): return any(t.is_alive() for t in self.__threads) def __producer_func(self): try: self.__producer(self) except: self.__on_exception(sys.exc_info()) self.__put_end() else: self.__put_end() def __consumer_func(self, consumer): try: consumer(self) except: self.__on_exception(sys.exc_info()) def __put_end(self): for i in range(len(self.__consumers)): self.__queue.put(None) def __on_exception(self, exc_info): with self.__lock: if self.__exc_info is None: self.__exc_info = exc_info self.__exc_stack = traceback.format_exc()