# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import hmac
import hashlib
import time
from . import utils
from .compat import urlquote, to_bytes
from .defaults import get_logger
import logging
[文档]def make_auth(access_key_id, access_key_secret, auth_version=AUTH_VERSION_1):
if auth_version == AUTH_VERSION_2:
return AuthV2(access_key_id.strip(), access_key_secret.strip())
return Auth(access_key_id.strip(), access_key_secret.strip())
[文档]class AuthBase(object):
"""Store user's AccessKeyId,AccessKeySecret information and calcualte the signature. """
def __init__(self, access_key_id, access_key_secret):
self.id = access_key_id.strip()
self.secret = access_key_secret.strip()
def _sign_rtmp_url(self, url, bucket_name, channel_name, playlist_name, expires, params):
expiration_time = int(time.time()) + expires
canonicalized_resource = "/%s/%s" % (bucket_name, channel_name)
canonicalized_params = []
if params:
items = params.items()
for k, v in items:
if k != "OSSAccessKeyId" and k != "Signature" and k != "Expires" and k != "SecurityToken":
canonicalized_params.append((k, v))
canonicalized_params.sort(key=lambda e: e[0])
canon_params_str = ''
for k, v in canonicalized_params:
canon_params_str += '%s:%s\n' % (k, v)
p = params if params else {}
string_to_sign = str(expiration_time) + "\n" + canon_params_str + canonicalized_resource
h = hmac.new(to_bytes(self.secret), to_bytes(string_to_sign), hashlib.sha1)
signature = utils.b64encode_as_string(h.digest())
p['OSSAccessKeyId'] = self.id
p['Expires'] = str(expiration_time)
p['Signature'] = signature
return url + '?' + '&'.join(_param_to_quoted_query(k, v) for k, v in p.items())
[文档]class Auth(AuthBase):
"""The first version of the signature. Stores AccessKeyId and AccessKeySecret of the user, and calculates the signature. """
_subresource_key_set = frozenset(
['response-content-type', 'response-content-language',
'response-cache-control', 'logging', 'response-content-encoding',
'acl', 'uploadId', 'uploads', 'partNumber', 'group', 'link',
'delete', 'website', 'location', 'objectInfo', 'objectMeta',
'response-expires', 'response-content-disposition', 'cors', 'lifecycle',
'restore', 'qos', 'referer', 'stat', 'bucketInfo', 'append', 'position', 'security-token',
'live', 'comp', 'status', 'vod', 'startTime', 'endTime', 'x-oss-process',
'symlink', 'callback', 'callback-var']
def _sign_request(self, req, bucket_name, key):
req.headers['date'] = utils.http_date()
signature = self.__make_signature(req, bucket_name, key)
req.headers['authorization'] = "OSS {0}:{1}".format(self.id, signature)
def _sign_url(self, req, bucket_name, key, expires):
expiration_time = int(time.time()) + expires
req.headers['date'] = str(expiration_time)
signature = self.__make_signature(req, bucket_name, key)
req.params['OSSAccessKeyId'] = self.id
req.params['Expires'] = str(expiration_time)
req.params['Signature'] = signature
return req.url + '?' + '&'.join(_param_to_quoted_query(k, v) for k, v in req.params.items())
def __make_signature(self, req, bucket_name, key):
string_to_sign = self.__get_string_to_sign(req, bucket_name, key)
h = hmac.new(to_bytes(self.secret), to_bytes(string_to_sign), hashlib.sha1)
return utils.b64encode_as_string(h.digest())
def __get_string_to_sign(self, req, bucket_name, key):
resource_string = self.__get_resource_string(req, bucket_name, key)
headers_string = self.__get_headers_string(req)
content_md5 = req.headers.get('content-md5', '')
content_type = req.headers.get('content-type', '')
date = req.headers.get('date', '')
return '\n'.join([req.method,
headers_string + resource_string])
def __get_headers_string(self, req):
headers = req.headers
canon_headers = []
for k, v in headers.items():
lower_key = k.lower()
if lower_key.startswith('x-oss-'):
canon_headers.append((lower_key, v))
canon_headers.sort(key=lambda x: x[0])
if canon_headers:
return '\n'.join(k + ':' + v for k, v in canon_headers) + '\n'
return ''
def __get_resource_string(self, req, bucket_name, key):
if not bucket_name:
return '/'
return '/{0}/{1}{2}'.format(bucket_name, key, self.__get_subresource_string(req.params))
def __get_subresource_string(self, params):
if not params:
return ''
subresource_params = []
for key, value in params.items():
if key in self._subresource_key_set:
subresource_params.append((key, value))
subresource_params.sort(key=lambda e: e[0])
if subresource_params:
return '?' + '&'.join(self.__param_to_query(k, v) for k, v in subresource_params)
return ''
def __param_to_query(self, k, v):
if v:
return k + '=' + v
return k
[文档]class AnonymousAuth(object):
"""Anonymous Auth
.. Note::
Anonymous users can only read buckets with public-read permissions, or read from or write to buckets with public-read-write permissions.
They are unable to execute service or bucket related operations, such as listing objects under a bucket.
def _sign_request(self, req, bucket_name, key):
def _sign_url(self, req, bucket_name, key, expires):
return req.url + '?' + '&'.join(_param_to_quoted_query(k, v) for k, v in req.params.items())
def _sign_rtmp_url(self, url, bucket_name, channel_name, playlist_name, expires, params):
return url + '?' + '&'.join(_param_to_quoted_query(k, v) for k, v in params.items())
[文档]class StsAuth(object):
"""Used for STS authentication. Users can get the AccessKeyID, AccessKeySecret, and SecurityToken from the Alibaba Cloud STS service (https://aliyuncs.com).
.. Note::
The AccessKeyId/Secret and SecurityToken have expiration times. When they are renewed, the `STSAuth` property of class :class:`Bucket <oss2.Bucket>` instance must be updated with the new credentials.
:param str access_key_id: Temporary AccessKeyId
:param str access_key_secret: Temporary AccessKeySecret
:param str security_token: Temporary SecurityToken
:param str auth_version: The version of the auth needs to be generated, the default value is AUTH_VERSION_1(v1).
def __init__(self, access_key_id, access_key_secret, security_token, auth_version=AUTH_VERSION_1):
self.__auth = make_auth(access_key_id, access_key_secret, auth_version)
self.__security_token = security_token
def _sign_request(self, req, bucket_name, key):
req.headers['x-oss-security-token'] = self.__security_token
self.__auth._sign_request(req, bucket_name, key)
def _sign_url(self, req, bucket_name, key, expires):
req.params['security-token'] = self.__security_token
return self.__auth._sign_url(req, bucket_name, key, expires)
def _sign_rtmp_url(self, url, bucket_name, channel_name, playlist_name, expires, params):
params['security-token'] = self.__security_token
return self.__auth._sign_rtmp_url(url, bucket_name, channel_name, playlist_name, expires, params)
def _param_to_quoted_query(k, v):
if v:
return urlquote(k, '') + '=' + urlquote(v, '')
return urlquote(k, '')
[文档]def v2_uri_encode(raw_text):
raw_text = to_bytes(raw_text)
res = ''
for b in raw_text:
if isinstance(b, int):
c = chr(b)
c = b
if (c >= 'A' and c <= 'Z') or (c >= 'a' and c <= 'z')\
or (c >= '0' and c <= '9') or c in ['_', '-', '~', '.']:
res += c
res += "%{0:02X}".format(ord(c))
return res
[文档]class AuthV2(AuthBase):
"""The signature version 2. The differences from version 1 are below :
1. Using the SHA256 algorithm, it has higher security.
2. Parameter calculation contains all HTTP query parameters.
def _sign_request(self, req, bucket_name, key, in_additional_headers=None):
"""Authorization is placed in the header of req
:param req: The req whose header will be put Authorization in.
:type req: oss2.http.Request
:param bucket_name: Bucket name.
:param key: The object name in OSS.
:param in_additional_headers: The signature calculation filled with signature calculations.
if in_additional_headers is None:
in_additional_headers = _DEFAULT_ADDITIONAL_HEADERS
additional_headers = self.__get_additional_headers(req, in_additional_headers)
req.headers['date'] = utils.http_date()
signature = self.__make_signature(req, bucket_name, key, additional_headers)
if additional_headers:
req.headers['authorization'] = "OSS2 AccessKeyId:{0},AdditionalHeaders:{1},Signature:{2}"\
.format(self.id, ';'.join(additional_headers), signature)
req.headers['authorization'] = "OSS2 AccessKeyId:{0},Signature:{1}".format(self.id, signature)
def _sign_url(self, req, bucket_name, key, expires, in_additional_headers=None):
"""Return a signed URL.
:param req: A request for a signature.
:type req: oss2.http.Request
:param bucket_name: Bucket name.
:param key: The object name in OSS.
:param int expires: The returned URL will expire after `expires` seconds.
:param in_additional_headers: The signature calculation filled with signature calculations.
:return: a signed URL.
if in_additional_headers is None:
in_additional_headers = set()
additional_headers = self.__get_additional_headers(req, in_additional_headers)
expiration_time = int(time.time()) + expires
req.headers['date'] = str(expiration_time) # re-use __make_signature by setting the 'date' header
req.params['x-oss-signature-version'] = 'OSS2'
req.params['x-oss-expires'] = str(expiration_time)
req.params['x-oss-access-key-id'] = self.id
signature = self.__make_signature(req, bucket_name, key, additional_headers)
req.params['x-oss-signature'] = signature
return req.url + '?' + '&'.join(_param_to_quoted_query(k, v) for k, v in req.params.items())
def __make_signature(self, req, bucket_name, key, additional_headers):
string_to_sign = self.__get_string_to_sign(req, bucket_name, key, additional_headers)
h = hmac.new(to_bytes(self.secret), to_bytes(string_to_sign), hashlib.sha256)
return utils.b64encode_as_string(h.digest())
def __get_additional_headers(self, req, in_additional_headers):
# we add a header into additional_headers only if it is already in req's headers.
additional_headers = set(h.lower() for h in in_additional_headers)
keys_in_header = set(k.lower() for k in req.headers.keys())
return additional_headers & keys_in_header
def __get_string_to_sign(self, req, bucket_name, key, additional_header_list):
verb = req.method
content_md5 = req.headers.get('content-md5', '')
content_type = req.headers.get('content-type', '')
date = req.headers.get('date', '')
canonicalized_oss_headers = self.__get_canonicalized_oss_headers(req, additional_header_list)
additional_headers = ';'.join(sorted(additional_header_list))
canonicalized_resource = self.__get_resource_string(req, bucket_name, key)
return verb + '\n' +\
content_md5 + '\n' +\
content_type + '\n' +\
date + '\n' +\
canonicalized_oss_headers +\
additional_headers + '\n' +\
def __get_resource_string(self, req, bucket_name, key):
if bucket_name:
encoded_uri = v2_uri_encode('/' + bucket_name + '/' + key)
encoded_uri = v2_uri_encode('/')
logging.info('encoded_uri={0} key={1}'.format(encoded_uri, key))
return encoded_uri + self.__get_canonalized_query_string(req)
def __get_canonalized_query_string(self, req):
encoded_params = {}
for param, value in req.params.items():
encoded_params[v2_uri_encode(param)] = v2_uri_encode(value)
if not encoded_params:
return ''
sorted_params = sorted(encoded_params.items(), key=lambda e: e[0])
return '?' + '&'.join(self.__param_to_query(k, v) for k, v in sorted_params)
def __param_to_query(self, k, v):
if v:
return k + '=' + v
return k
def __get_canonicalized_oss_headers(self, req, additional_headers):
:param additional_headers: Lowercase headers list, and these headers do not prefix with 'x-oss-'.
canon_headers = []
for k, v in req.headers.items():
lower_key = k.lower()
if lower_key.startswith('x-oss-') or lower_key in additional_headers:
canon_headers.append((lower_key, v))
canon_headers.sort(key=lambda x: x[0])
return ''.join(v[0] + ':' + v[1] + '\n' for v in canon_headers)