public interface OSS
Object Store Service (a.k.a OSS) is the massive, secure, low cost and highly
reliable public storage which could be accessed from anywhere at anytime via
REST APIs, SDKs or web console.
Developers could use OSS to create any services that need huge data storage
and access throughput, such as media sharing web apps, cloud storage service
or enterprise or personal data backup.
限定符和类型 | 方法和说明 |
void |
abortMultipartUpload(AbortMultipartUploadRequest request)
Abort a multiple parts upload.
void |
addBucketCname(AddBucketCnameRequest addBucketCnameRequest)
Adds a Cname for the
Bucket instance. |
void |
addBucketReplication(AddBucketReplicationRequest addBucketReplicationRequest)
Adds a
Bucket 's cross-region replication rule. |
AppendObjectResult |
appendObject(AppendObjectRequest appendObjectRequest)
Append the data to the appendable object specified in
AppendObjectRequest . |
String |
calculatePostSignature(String postPolicy)
Calculates the signature based on the policy and access key secret.
CompleteMultipartUploadResult |
completeMultipartUpload(CompleteMultipartUploadRequest request)
Complete a multiple parts upload.
CopyObjectResult |
copyObject(CopyObjectRequest copyObjectRequest)
Copies an existing file in OSS from source bucket to the target bucket.
CopyObjectResult |
copyObject(String sourceBucketName,
String sourceKey,
String destinationBucketName,
String destinationKey)
Copies an existing file in OSS from source bucket to the target bucket.
Bucket |
createBucket(CreateBucketRequest createBucketRequest)
Creates a
Bucket instance with specified CreateBucketRequest
information. |
Bucket |
createBucket(String bucketName)
Bucket instance. |
CreateLiveChannelResult |
createLiveChannel(CreateLiveChannelRequest createLiveChannelRequest)
Creates a live streaming channel.
SelectObjectMetadata |
createSelectObjectMetadata(CreateSelectObjectMetadataRequest createSelectObjectMetadataRequest)
Create select object metadata(create metadata if not exists or overwrite flag set in
CreateSelectObjectMetadataRequest ) |
void |
createSymlink(CreateSymlinkRequest createSymlinkRequest)
Creates a symbol link to a target file under the bucket---this is not
supported for archive class bucket.
void |
createSymlink(String bucketName,
String symlink,
String target)
Creates a symlink link to a target file under the bucket---this is not
supported for archive class bucket.
void |
createUdf(CreateUdfRequest createUdfRequest)
Creates UDF
void |
createUdfApplication(CreateUdfApplicationRequest createUdfApplicationRequest) |
void |
deleteBucket(GenericRequest genericRequest)
Deletes the
Bucket instance. |
void |
deleteBucket(String bucketName)
Deletes the
Bucket instance. |
void |
deleteBucketCname(DeleteBucketCnameRequest deleteBucketCnameRequest)
Deletes one
Bucket 's specific Cname specified by the parameter
domain. |
void |
deleteBucketCname(String bucketName,
String domain)
Deletes one
Bucket 's Cname specified by the parameter domain. |
void |
deleteBucketCORSRules(GenericRequest genericRequest)
Deletes all CORS rules under the bucket.
void |
deleteBucketCORSRules(String bucketName)
Deletes all CORS rules under the bucket.
void |
deleteBucketEncryption(GenericRequest genericRequest)
Deletes the server-side encryption configuration from the bucket.
void |
deleteBucketEncryption(String bucketName)
Deletes the server-side encryption configuration from the bucket.
void |
deleteBucketImage(String bucketName)
Deletes the image processing attributes on the specific
Bucket . |
void |
deleteBucketImage(String bucketName,
GenericRequest genericRequest)
Deletes the image processing attributes on the specific
Bucket . |
void |
deleteBucketLifecycle(GenericRequest genericRequest)
Deletes all the
Bucket 's Lifecycle rules. |
void |
deleteBucketLifecycle(String bucketName)
Deletes all the
Bucket 's Lifecycle rules. |
void |
deleteBucketLogging(GenericRequest genericRequest)
Disables the logging on
Bucket . |
void |
deleteBucketLogging(String bucketName)
Disables the logging on
Bucket . |
void |
deleteBucketPolicy(GenericRequest genericRequest)
Delete policy of the
Bucket instance. |
void |
deleteBucketPolicy(String bucketName)
Delete policy of the
Bucket instance. |
void |
deleteBucketQosInfo(GenericRequest genericRequest)
Deletes the bucket qos info.
void |
deleteBucketQosInfo(String bucketName)
Deletes the bucket qos info.
void |
deleteBucketReplication(DeleteBucketReplicationRequest deleteBucketReplicationRequest)
Deletes the specified
Bucket 's cross region replication rule. |
void |
deleteBucketReplication(String bucketName,
String replicationRuleID)
Deletes the specified
Bucket 's cross region replication rule. |
void |
deleteBucketTagging(GenericRequest genericRequest)
Clears all the tags of the
Bucket instance. |
void |
deleteBucketTagging(String bucketName)
Clears all the tags of the
Bucket instance。 |
void |
deleteBucketWebsite(GenericRequest genericRequest)
Deletes the
Bucket 's static website configuration, which means
disabling the static website on the bucket. |
void |
deleteBucketWebsite(String bucketName)
Deletes the
Bucket 's static website configuration, which means
disabling the static website on the bucket. |
void |
deleteImageStyle(String bucketName,
String styleName)
Deletes a style named by parameter styleName under
Bucket |
void |
deleteImageStyle(String bucketName,
String styleName,
GenericRequest genericRequest)
Deletes a style named by parameter styleName under
Bucket |
void |
deleteLiveChannel(LiveChannelGenericRequest liveChannelGenericRequest)
Deletes the Live Channel。
void |
deleteLiveChannel(String bucketName,
String liveChannel)
Deletes the Live Channel.
void |
deleteObject(GenericRequest genericRequest)
Deletes the specified
OSSObject by the GenericRequest
instance. |
void |
deleteObject(String bucketName,
String key)
Deletes the specified
OSSObject by bucket name and object key. |
DeleteObjectsResult |
deleteObjects(DeleteObjectsRequest deleteObjectsRequest)
Batch deletes the specified files under a specific bucket.
void |
deleteObjectTagging(GenericRequest genericRequest)
Clears all the tags of the OSS object.
void |
deleteObjectTagging(String bucketName,
String key)
Clears all the tags of the OSS object.
void |
deleteUdf(UdfGenericRequest genericRequest) |
void |
deleteUdfApplication(UdfGenericRequest genericRequest) |
void |
deleteUdfImage(UdfGenericRequest genericRequest) |
void |
deleteVersion(DeleteVersionRequest deleteVersionRequest)
Deletes a specific version of an object in the specified bucket.
void |
deleteVersion(String bucketName,
String key,
String versionId)
Deletes a specific version of the specified object in the specified
DeleteVersionsResult |
deleteVersions(DeleteVersionsRequest deleteVersionsRequest)
Batch deletes the specified object versions under a specific bucket.
boolean |
doesBucketExist(GenericRequest genericRequest)
Checks if the
Bucket exists。 |
boolean |
doesBucketExist(String bucketName)
Checks the
Bucket exists . |
boolean |
doesObjectExist(GenericRequest genericRequest)
boolean |
doesObjectExist(GenericRequest genericRequest,
boolean isOnlyInOSS)
boolean |
doesObjectExist(HeadObjectRequest headObjectRequest)
boolean |
doesObjectExist(String bucketName,
String key)
boolean |
doesObjectExist(String bucketName,
String key,
boolean isOnlyInOSS)
DownloadFileResult |
downloadFile(DownloadFileRequest downloadFileRequest)
File download
Very similar with file upload, this method will split the OSS object into
parts and download them in parallel by a thread pool, though by default
the thread pool only has one thread.
String |
generatePostPolicy(Date expiration,
PolicyConditions conds)
Generates the post policy form field in JSON format.
generatePresignedUrl(GeneratePresignedUrlRequest request)
Generates a signed url for accessing the
OSSObject with a
specific HTTP method. |
generatePresignedUrl(String bucketName,
String key,
Date expiration)
Generates a signed url for accessing the
OSSObject with HTTP GET
method. |
generatePresignedUrl(String bucketName,
String key,
Date expiration,
HttpMethod method)
Generates a signed url for accessing the
OSSObject with a
specific HTTP method. |
String |
generateRtmpUri(GenerateRtmpUriRequest generatePushflowUrlRequest)
Generates a RTMP pushing streaming address in the Live Channel.
String |
generateRtmpUri(String bucketName,
String liveChannelName,
String PlaylistName,
long expires)
Generates a RTMP pushing streaming address in the Live Channel.
void |
generateVodPlaylist(GenerateVodPlaylistRequest generateVodPlaylistRequest)
Generates a VOD playlist (*.m3u8 file) for the *.ts files with specified
time range under the Live Channel.
void |
generateVodPlaylist(String bucketName,
String liveChannelName,
String PlaylistName,
long startTime,
long endTime)
Generates a VOD playlist (*.m3u8 file) for the *.ts files with specified
time range under the Live Channel.
GetAsyncFetchTaskResult |
getAsyncFetchTask(GetAsyncFetchTaskRequest getAsyncFetchTaskRequest)
Gets the async fetch task information.
GetAsyncFetchTaskResult |
getAsyncFetchTask(String bucketName,
String taskId)
Gets the async fetch task information.
AccessControlList |
getBucketAcl(GenericRequest genericRequest)
Gets the Access Control List(ACL) of the
Bucket instance. |
AccessControlList |
getBucketAcl(String bucketName)
Returns the Access control List (ACL) of the
Bucket instance. |
List<CnameConfiguration> |
getBucketCname(GenericRequest genericRequest)
Gets the
Bucket 's Cnames. |
List<CnameConfiguration> |
getBucketCname(String bucketName)
Gets the
Bucket 's Cnames. |
List<SetBucketCORSRequest.CORSRule> |
getBucketCORSRules(GenericRequest genericRequest)
Lists all CORS rules from the bucket.
List<SetBucketCORSRequest.CORSRule> |
getBucketCORSRules(String bucketName)
Lists all CORS rules from the bucket.
ServerSideEncryptionConfiguration |
getBucketEncryption(GenericRequest genericRequest)
Returns the server-side encryption configuration of a bucket.
ServerSideEncryptionConfiguration |
getBucketEncryption(String bucketName)
Returns the server-side encryption configuration of a bucket.
GetBucketImageResult |
getBucketImage(String bucketName)
Gets the image processing attributes on the specific
Bucket . |
GetBucketImageResult |
getBucketImage(String bucketName,
GenericRequest genericRequest)
Gets the image processing attributes on the specific
Bucket . |
BucketInfo |
getBucketInfo(GenericRequest genericRequest)
Gets the
Bucket 's basic information as well as its ACL. |
BucketInfo |
getBucketInfo(String bucketName)
Gets the
Bucket 's basic information as well as its ACL. |
List<LifecycleRule> |
getBucketLifecycle(GenericRequest genericRequest)
Gets the
Bucket 's Lifecycle rules. |
List<LifecycleRule> |
getBucketLifecycle(String bucketName)
Gets the
Bucket 's lifecycle rules. |
String |
getBucketLocation(GenericRequest genericRequest)
Returns the datacenter name where the
Bucket instance specified
by GenericRequest is hosted. |
String |
getBucketLocation(String bucketName)
Returns the datacenter name where the
Bucket instance is hosted. |
BucketLoggingResult |
getBucketLogging(GenericRequest genericRequest)
Gets the
Bucket 's logging setting. |
BucketLoggingResult |
getBucketLogging(String bucketName)
Gets the
Bucket 's logging setting. |
BucketMetadata |
getBucketMetadata(GenericRequest genericRequest)
Gets all the metadata of
Bucket . |
BucketMetadata |
getBucketMetadata(String bucketName)
Gets the metadata of
Bucket . |
GetBucketPolicyResult |
getBucketPolicy(GenericRequest genericRequest)
Gets policy text of the
Bucket instance. |
GetBucketPolicyResult |
getBucketPolicy(String bucketName)
Gets policy text of the
Bucket instance. |
BucketProcess |
getBucketProcess(GenericRequest genericRequest)
Get the bucket's image accessing configuration
BucketProcess |
getBucketProcess(String bucketName)
Gets the bucket's image accessing configuration.
BucketQosInfo |
getBucketQosInfo(GenericRequest genericRequest)
Gets the bucket qos info of the
Bucket . |
BucketQosInfo |
getBucketQosInfo(String bucketName)
Gets the bucket qos info of the
Bucket . |
BucketReferer |
getBucketReferer(GenericRequest genericRequest)
Returns http referer information of the
Bucket specified by
bucket name in GenericRequest object. |
BucketReferer |
getBucketReferer(String bucketName)
Returns http referer information of the
Bucket specified by
bucket name. |
List<ReplicationRule> |
getBucketReplication(GenericRequest genericRequest)
Gets all the
Bucket 's cross region replication rules. |
List<ReplicationRule> |
getBucketReplication(String bucketName)
Gets all the
Bucket 's cross region replication rules. |
List<String> |
getBucketReplicationLocation(GenericRequest genericRequest)
Gets the
Bucket 's replication reachable data centers. |
List<String> |
getBucketReplicationLocation(String bucketName)
Gets the
Bucket 's replication reachable data centers. |
BucketReplicationProgress |
getBucketReplicationProgress(GetBucketReplicationProgressRequest getBucketReplicationProgressRequest)
Gets the
Bucket 's progress of the specified cross region
replication rule. |
BucketReplicationProgress |
getBucketReplicationProgress(String bucketName,
String replicationRuleID)
Gets the
Bucket 's progress of the specified cross region
replication rule. |
GetBucketRequestPaymentResult |
getBucketRequestPayment(GenericRequest genericRequest)
Gets the request payment of the
Bucket . |
GetBucketRequestPaymentResult |
getBucketRequestPayment(String bucketName)
Gets the request payment of the
Bucket . |
BucketStat |
getBucketStat(GenericRequest genericRequest)
Gets the
Bucket 's storage information such as object counts,
storage size and executing multipart uploads. |
BucketStat |
getBucketStat(String bucketName)
Gets the
Bucket 's storage information such as object counts,
storage size and executing multipart uploads. |
UserQos |
getBucketStorageCapacity(GenericRequest genericRequest)
Gets the
Bucket 's capacity |
UserQos |
getBucketStorageCapacity(String bucketName)
Gets the
Bucket 's capacity |
TagSet |
getBucketTagging(GenericRequest genericRequest)
Gets the tags of
Bucket instance. |
TagSet |
getBucketTagging(String bucketName)
Gets all tags of the
Bucket instance. |
BucketVersioningConfiguration |
getBucketVersioning(GenericRequest genericRequest)
Returns the versioning configuration for the specified bucket.
BucketVersioningConfiguration |
getBucketVersioning(String bucketName)
Returns the versioning configuration for the specified bucket.
BucketWebsiteResult |
getBucketWebsite(GenericRequest genericRequest)
Gets the
Bucket 's static webite settings. |
BucketWebsiteResult |
getBucketWebsite(String bucketName)
Gets the
Bucket 's static website settings. |
GetImageStyleResult |
getImageStyle(String bucketName,
String styleName)
Gets a style named by parameter styleName under
Bucket |
GetImageStyleResult |
getImageStyle(String bucketName,
String styleName,
GenericRequest genericRequest)
Gets a style named by parameter styleName under the
Bucket |
List<LiveRecord> |
getLiveChannelHistory(LiveChannelGenericRequest liveChannelGenericRequest)
Gets recent
LiveRecord entries from the specified Live Channel. |
List<LiveRecord> |
getLiveChannelHistory(String bucketName,
String liveChannel)
Gets recent
LiveRecord entries from the specified Live Channel. |
LiveChannelInfo |
getLiveChannelInfo(LiveChannelGenericRequest liveChannelGenericRequest)
Gets the Live Channel's configuration.
LiveChannelInfo |
getLiveChannelInfo(String bucketName,
String liveChannel)
Gets the Live Channel's configuration.
LiveChannelStat |
getLiveChannelStat(LiveChannelGenericRequest liveChannelGenericRequest)
Gets Live Channel's streaming information.
LiveChannelStat |
getLiveChannelStat(String bucketName,
String liveChannel)
Gets Live Channel's streaming information.
OSSObject |
getObject(GetObjectRequest getObjectRequest)
Gets the
OSSObject from the bucket specified in
GetObjectRequest parameter. |
ObjectMetadata |
getObject(GetObjectRequest getObjectRequest,
File file)
Downloads the file from a file specified by the
parameter. |
OSSObject |
getObject(String bucketName,
String key)
OSSObject |
getObject(URL signedUrl,
Map<String,String> requestHeaders)
Gets the
OSSObject from the signed Url. |
ObjectAcl |
getObjectAcl(GenericRequest genericRequest)
Gets the Access Control List (ACL) of the OSS object.
ObjectAcl |
getObjectAcl(String bucketName,
String key)
Gets the Access Control List (ACL) of the OSS object.
ObjectMetadata |
getObjectMetadata(GenericRequest genericRequest)
Gets all the metadata of
OSSObject . |
ObjectMetadata |
getObjectMetadata(String bucketName,
String key)
Gets all the metadata of
OSSObject . |
TagSet |
getObjectTagging(GenericRequest genericRequest)
Gets all tags of the OSS object.
TagSet |
getObjectTagging(String bucketName,
String key)
Gets all tags of the OSS object.
SimplifiedObjectMeta |
getSimplifiedObjectMeta(GenericRequest genericRequest)
Gets the simplified metadata information of
OSSObject . |
SimplifiedObjectMeta |
getSimplifiedObjectMeta(String bucketName,
String key)
Gets the simplified metadata information of
OSSObject . |
OSSSymlink |
getSymlink(GenericRequest genericRequest)
Gets the symlink information for the given symlink name.
OSSSymlink |
getSymlink(String bucketName,
String symlink)
Gets the symlink information for the given symlink name.
UdfApplicationInfo |
getUdfApplicationInfo(UdfGenericRequest genericRequest) |
UdfApplicationLog |
getUdfApplicationLog(GetUdfApplicationLogRequest getUdfApplicationLogRequest) |
List<UdfImageInfo> |
getUdfImageInfo(UdfGenericRequest genericRequest) |
UdfInfo |
getUdfInfo(UdfGenericRequest genericRequest) |
UserQosInfo |
Gets the User qos info.
OSSObject |
getVodPlaylist(GetVodPlaylistRequest getVodPlaylistRequest)
Generates and returns a VOD playlist (m3u8 format) for the *.ts files with specified
time range under the Live Channel, but this VOD playlist would not be stored in OSS Server.
OSSObject |
getVodPlaylist(String bucketName,
String liveChannelName,
long startTime,
long endTime)
Generates and returns a VOD playlist (m3u8 format) for the *.ts files with specified
time range under the Live Channel, but this VOD playlist would not be stored in OSS Server.
ObjectMetadata |
headObject(HeadObjectRequest headObjectRequest)
Gets all the head data of
OSSObject . |
ObjectMetadata |
headObject(String bucketName,
String key)
Gets all the head data of
OSSObject . |
InitiateMultipartUploadResult |
initiateMultipartUpload(InitiateMultipartUploadRequest request)
Initiates a multiple part upload
Prior to starting a multiple part upload, this method needs to be called
to ask OSS service do some initialization work.
List<Bucket> |
Returns all
Bucket instances of the current account. |
BucketList |
listBuckets(ListBucketsRequest listBucketsRequest)
Returns all
Bucket instances of the current account that meet the
conditions specified. |
BucketList |
listBuckets(String prefix,
String marker,
Integer maxKeys)
Returns all
Bucket instances of the current account that meet the
conditions specified. |
List<Style> |
listImageStyle(String bucketName)
Lists all styles under the
Bucket |
List<Style> |
listImageStyle(String bucketName,
GenericRequest genericRequest)
Lists all styles under the
Bucket |
LiveChannelListing |
listLiveChannels(ListLiveChannelsRequest listLiveChannelRequest)
Lists all Live Channels under a bucket that meets the requirement
specified by the parameter listLiveChannelRequest.
List<LiveChannel> |
listLiveChannels(String bucketName)
Lists all Live Channels under a bucket.
MultipartUploadListing |
listMultipartUploads(ListMultipartUploadsRequest request)
Lists executing multiple parts uploads.
ObjectListing |
listObjects(ListObjectsRequest listObjectsRequest)
Lists all objects under the specified
Bucket in the parameter of
ListObjectsRequest |
ObjectListing |
listObjects(String bucketName)
Lists all objects under the specified
Bucket |
ObjectListing |
listObjects(String bucketName,
String prefix)
Lists all objects under the specified
Bucket with the specified
prefix. |
PartListing |
listParts(ListPartsRequest request)
Lists all parts in a multiple parts upload.
List<UdfApplicationInfo> |
listUdfApplications() |
List<UdfInfo> |
listUdfs() |
VersionListing |
listVersions(ListVersionsRequest listVersionsRequest)
Returns a list of summary information about the versions in the specified
VersionListing |
listVersions(String bucketName,
String prefix)
Returns a list of summary information about the versions in the specified
VersionListing |
listVersions(String bucketName,
String prefix,
String keyMarker,
String versionIdMarker,
String delimiter,
Integer maxResults)
Returns a list of summary information about the versions in the specified
ResponseMessage |
optionsObject(OptionsRequest request)
GenericResult |
processObject(ProcessObjectRequest processObjectRequest)
Apply process on the specified image file.
void |
putBucketImage(PutBucketImageRequest request)
Sets image processing attributes on the specific
Bucket |
void |
putImageStyle(PutImageStyleRequest putImageStyleRequest)
Adds a new style under
Bucket . |
PutObjectResult |
putObject(PutObjectRequest putObjectRequest)
Uploads the file to
Bucket . |
PutObjectResult |
putObject(String bucketName,
String key,
File file)
Uploads the file to the
Bucket from the file. |
PutObjectResult |
putObject(String bucketName,
String key,
File file,
ObjectMetadata metadata)
Uploads the file to the
Bucket from the file with the
ObjectMetadata . |
PutObjectResult |
putObject(String bucketName,
String key,
InputStream input)
Uploads the file to the
Bucket from the InputStream
instance. |
PutObjectResult |
putObject(String bucketName,
String key,
InputStream input,
ObjectMetadata metadata)
Uploads the file to the
Bucket from the @{link InputStream} with
the ObjectMetadata information。 |
PutObjectResult |
putObject(URL signedUrl,
InputStream requestContent,
long contentLength,
Map<String,String> requestHeaders)
Uploads the file from a InputStream instance to the signed URL with
specified headers.
PutObjectResult |
putObject(URL signedUrl,
InputStream requestContent,
long contentLength,
Map<String,String> requestHeaders,
boolean useChunkEncoding)
Uploads the file from a InputStream instance to the signed URL with
specified headers.
PutObjectResult |
putObject(URL signedUrl,
String filePath,
Map<String,String> requestHeaders)
Uploads the file from a specified file path to the signed URL with
specified headers
PutObjectResult |
putObject(URL signedUrl,
String filePath,
Map<String,String> requestHeaders,
boolean useChunkEncoding)
Uploads the file from a specified file path to the signed URL with
specified headers with the flag of using chunked tranfer encoding.
void |
resizeUdfApplication(ResizeUdfApplicationRequest resizeUdfApplicationRequest) |
RestoreObjectResult |
restoreObject(GenericRequest genericRequest)
Restores the object of archive storage.
RestoreObjectResult |
restoreObject(String bucketName,
String key)
Restores the object of archive storage.
OSSObject |
selectObject(SelectObjectRequest selectObjectRequest)
Select the
OSSObject from the bucket specified in
SelectObjectRequest parameter |
SetAsyncFetchTaskResult |
setAsyncFetchTask(SetAsyncFetchTaskRequest setAsyncFetchTaskRequest)
Sets an async fetch task.
SetAsyncFetchTaskResult |
setAsyncFetchTask(String bucketName,
AsyncFetchTaskConfiguration asyncFetchTaskConfiguration)
Sets an async fetch task.
void |
setBucketAcl(SetBucketAclRequest setBucketAclRequest)
Sends the request to apply ACL on a
Bucket instance. |
void |
setBucketAcl(String bucketName,
CannedAccessControlList acl)
Applies the Access Control List(ACL) on the
Bucket . |
void |
setBucketCORS(SetBucketCORSRequest request)
Adds CORS rules to the bucket.
void |
setBucketEncryption(SetBucketEncryptionRequest setBucketEncryptionRequest)
Creates a new server-side encryption configuration (or replaces an existing one, if present).
void |
setBucketLifecycle(SetBucketLifecycleRequest setBucketLifecycleRequest)
Sets the
Bucket 's lifecycle rule. |
void |
setBucketLogging(SetBucketLoggingRequest request)
Enables or disables the
Bucket 's logging. |
void |
setBucketPolicy(SetBucketPolicyRequest setBucketPolicyRequest)
Sets the policy on the
Bucket instance. |
void |
setBucketPolicy(String bucketName,
String policyText)
Sets the policy on the
Bucket instance. |
void |
setBucketProcess(SetBucketProcessRequest setBucketProcessRequest)
Creates the image accessing configuration according to the parameter
void |
setBucketQosInfo(SetBucketQosInfoRequest setBucketQosInfoRequest)
sets the qos info for the
Bucket . |
void |
setBucketQosInfo(String bucketName,
BucketQosInfo bucketQosInfo)
sets the qos info for the
Bucket . |
void |
setBucketReferer(SetBucketRefererRequest setBucketRefererRequest)
Sets the http referer on the
Bucket instance in the parameter
setBucketRefererRequest. |
void |
setBucketReferer(String bucketName,
BucketReferer referer)
Sets the http referer on the
Bucket instance specified by the
bucket name. |
void |
setBucketRequestPayment(SetBucketRequestPaymentRequest setBucketRequestPaymentRequest)
Sets the request payment of the
Bucket . |
void |
setBucketRequestPayment(String bucketName,
Payer payer)
Sets the request payment of the
Bucket . |
void |
setBucketStorageCapacity(SetBucketStorageCapacityRequest setBucketStorageCapacityRequest)
Sets the capacity of the
Bucket . |
void |
setBucketStorageCapacity(String bucketName,
UserQos userQos)
Sets the capacity of the
Bucket . |
void |
setBucketTagging(SetBucketTaggingRequest setBucketTaggingRequest)
Sets the tags on the
Bucket instance in
SetBucketTaggingRequest object. |
void |
setBucketTagging(String bucketName,
Map<String,String> tags)
Sets the tags on the
Bucket instance specified by the bucket name |
void |
setBucketTagging(String bucketName,
TagSet tagSet)
Sets the tags on the
Bucket instance. |
void |
setBucketVersioning(SetBucketVersioningRequest setBucketVersioningRequest)
Sets the versioning configuration for the specified bucket.
void |
setBucketWebsite(SetBucketWebsiteRequest setBucketWebSiteRequest)
Sets the static website settings for the
Bucket . |
void |
setLiveChannelStatus(SetLiveChannelRequest setLiveChannelRequest)
Sets the Live Channel status.
void |
setLiveChannelStatus(String bucketName,
String liveChannel,
LiveChannelStatus status)
Sets the Live Channel status.
void |
setObjectAcl(SetObjectAclRequest setObjectAclRequest)
Sets the Access Control List (ACL) on a
OSSObject instance. |
void |
setObjectAcl(String bucketName,
String key,
CannedAccessControlList cannedAcl)
Sets the Access Control List (ACL) on a
OSSObject instance. |
void |
setObjectTagging(SetObjectTaggingRequest setObjectTaggingRequest)
Sets the tags on the OSS object.
void |
setObjectTagging(String bucketName,
String key,
Map<String,String> tags)
Sets the tags on the OSS object.
void |
setObjectTagging(String bucketName,
String key,
TagSet tagSet)
Sets the tags on the OSS object.
void |
Shuts down the OSS instance (release all resources) The OSS instance is
not usable after its shutdown() is called.
void |
switchCredentials(Credentials creds)
Switches to another users with specified credentials
void |
switchSignatureVersion(SignVersion signatureVersion)
Switches to another signature version
void |
upgradeUdfApplication(UpgradeUdfApplicationRequest upgradeUdfApplicationRequest) |
UploadFileResult |
uploadFile(UploadFileRequest uploadFileRequest)
File upload
This method will automatically split files into parts and upload them in
parallel by a thread pool, though by default the thread pool only has one
UploadPartResult |
uploadPart(UploadPartRequest request)
Uploads a part to a specified multiple upload.
UploadPartCopyResult |
uploadPartCopy(UploadPartCopyRequest request)
Uploads Part copy from an existing source object to a target object with
specified upload Id and part number
void |
uploadUdfImage(UploadUdfImageRequest uploadUdfImageRequest) |
void switchCredentials(Credentials creds)
- the credential to switch to。void switchSignatureVersion(SignVersion signatureVersion)
- the signature version to switch to。void shutdown()
Bucket createBucket(String bucketName) throws OSSException, ClientException
instance. The bucket name specified must be
globally unique and follow the naming rules from
- bucket nameOSSException
Bucket createBucket(CreateBucketRequest createBucketRequest) throws OSSException, ClientException
instance with specified CreateBucketRequest
- instance of CreateBucketRequest
, which at least has
bucket name information.OSSException
void deleteBucket(String bucketName) throws OSSException, ClientException
instance. A non-empty bucket could not be
- bucket name to delete.OSSException
void deleteBucket(GenericRequest genericRequest) throws OSSException, ClientException
- the generic request instance that has the bucket name
List<Bucket> listBuckets() throws OSSException, ClientException
instances of the current account.Bucket
instances. If there's no buckets, the
list will be empty (instead of null).OSSException
BucketList listBuckets(String prefix, String marker, Integer maxKeys) throws OSSException, ClientException
instances of the current account that meet the
conditions specified.prefix
- The prefix of the bucket name returned. If null, the bucket
name could have any prefix.marker
- The start point in the lexicographic order for the buckets to
return. If null, return the buckets from the beginning in the
lexicographic order. For example, if the account has buckets
bk1, bk2, bk3. If the marker is set as bk2, then only bk2 and
bk3 meet the criteria. But if the marker is null, then all
three buckets meet the criteria.maxKeys
- Max bucket count to return. The valid value is from 1 to 1000,
default is 100 if it's null.Bucket
BucketList listBuckets(ListBucketsRequest listBucketsRequest) throws OSSException, ClientException
instances of the current account that meet the
conditions specified.listBucketsRequest
- the ListBucketsRequest instance that defines the criteria
which could have requirements on prefix, marker, maxKeys.Bucket
void setBucketAcl(String bucketName, CannedAccessControlList acl) throws OSSException, ClientException
- Bucket name.acl
- CannedAccessControlList
instance. If the instance is
null, no ACL change on the bucket (but the request is still
void setBucketAcl(SetBucketAclRequest setBucketAclRequest) throws OSSException, ClientException
- SetBucketAclRequest instance which specifies the ACL and the
bucket information.OSSException
AccessControlList getBucketAcl(String bucketName) throws OSSException, ClientException
- Bucket Name.AccessControlList
AccessControlList getBucketAcl(GenericRequest genericRequest) throws OSSException, ClientException
- GenericRequest
instance that has the bucket name
BucketMetadata getBucketMetadata(String bucketName) throws OSSException, ClientException
- Bucket name.BucketMetadata
BucketMetadata getBucketMetadata(GenericRequest genericRequest) throws OSSException, ClientException
- Generic request which specifies the bucket name.BucketMetadata
void setBucketReferer(String bucketName, BucketReferer referer) throws OSSException, ClientException
instance specified by the
bucket name.bucketName
- Bucket name.referer
- The BucketReferer
instance. If null, it would create a
instance from default constructor.OSSException
void setBucketReferer(SetBucketRefererRequest setBucketRefererRequest) throws OSSException, ClientException
instance in the parameter
- SetBucketRefererRequest
instance that specify the
bucket name and the BucketReferer
BucketReferer getBucketReferer(String bucketName) throws OSSException, ClientException
specified by
bucket name.bucketName
- Bucket nameBucketReferer
instance. The BucketReferer object with
empty referer information is returned if there's no http referer
BucketReferer getBucketReferer(GenericRequest genericRequest) throws OSSException, ClientException
specified by
bucket name in GenericRequest object.genericRequest
- GenericRequest
instance that has the bucket name.BucketReferer
String getBucketLocation(String bucketName) throws OSSException, ClientException
instance is hosted.
As of 08/03/2017, the valid datacenter names are oss-cn-hangzhou,
oss-cn-qingdao, oss-cn-beijing, oss-cn-hongkong, oss-cn-shenzhen,
oss-cn-shanghai, oss-us-west-1, oss-us-east-1, and oss-ap-southeast-1.bucketName
- Bucket name.OSSException
String getBucketLocation(GenericRequest genericRequest) throws OSSException, ClientException
instance specified
by GenericRequest is hosted.genericRequest
- GenericRequest
instance with bucket name information.OSSException
void setBucketTagging(String bucketName, Map<String,String> tags) throws OSSException, ClientException
instance specified by the bucket namebucketName
- Bucket name.tags
- The dictionary that contains the tags in the form of <key,
value> pairsOSSException
void setBucketTagging(String bucketName, TagSet tagSet) throws OSSException, ClientException
- Bucket name.tagSet
- TagSet
instance that has the tags in the form of <key,
value> paris.OSSException
void setBucketTagging(SetBucketTaggingRequest setBucketTaggingRequest) throws OSSException, ClientException
instance in
- SetBucketTaggingRequest
instance that has bucket
information as well as tagging information.OSSException
TagSet getBucketTagging(String bucketName) throws OSSException, ClientException
- Bucket nameTagSet
instance. If there's no tag, the TagSet object
with empty tag information is returned.OSSException
TagSet getBucketTagging(GenericRequest genericRequest) throws OSSException, ClientException
- GenericRequest
instance that has the bucket name.TagSet
void deleteBucketTagging(String bucketName) throws OSSException, ClientException
- Bucket nameOSSException
void deleteBucketTagging(GenericRequest genericRequest) throws OSSException, ClientException
- GenericRequest
instance that has the bucket nameOSSException
BucketVersioningConfiguration getBucketVersioning(String bucketName) throws OSSException, ClientException
Returns the versioning configuration for the specified bucket.
A bucket's versioning configuration can be in one of three possible states:
By default, new buckets are in the
state. Once versioning is
enabled for a bucket the status can never be reverted to
The versioning configuration of a bucket has different implications for
each operation performed on that bucket or for objects within that
bucket. For example, when versioning is enabled a PutObject
operation creates a unique object version-id for the object being uploaded. The
The PutObject
API guarantees that, if versioning is enabled for a bucket at
the time of the request, the new object can only be permanently deleted
using a DeleteVersion
operation. It can never be overwritten.
Additionally, the PutObject
API guarantees that,
if versioning is enabled for a bucket the request,
no other object will be overwritten by that request.
OSS is eventually consistent. It can take time for the versioning status of a bucket to be propagated throughout the system.
- The bucket whose versioning configuration will be retrieved.ClientException
- If any errors are encountered in the client while making the
request or handling the response.OSSException
- If any errors occurred in OSS while processing the request.setBucketVersioning(SetBucketVersioningRequest)
BucketVersioningConfiguration getBucketVersioning(GenericRequest genericRequest) throws OSSException, ClientException
Returns the versioning configuration for the specified bucket.
A bucket's versioning configuration can be in one of three possible states:
By default, new buckets are in the
state. Once versioning is
enabled for a bucket the status can never be reverted to
The versioning configuration of a bucket has different implications for
each operation performed on that bucket or for objects within that
bucket. For example, when versioning is enabled a PutObject
operation creates a unique object version-id for the object being uploaded. The
The PutObject
API guarantees that, if versioning is enabled for a bucket at
the time of the request, the new object can only be permanently deleted
using a DeleteVersion
operation. It can never be overwritten.
Additionally, the PutObject
API guarantees that,
if versioning is enabled for a bucket the request,
no other object will be overwritten by that request.
OSS is eventually consistent. It can take time for the versioning status of a bucket to be propagated throughout the system.
- GenericRequest
instance that has the bucket name.ClientException
- If any errors are encountered in the client while making the
request or handling the response.OSSException
- If any errors occurred in OSS while processing the request.setBucketVersioning(SetBucketVersioningRequest)
void setBucketVersioning(SetBucketVersioningRequest setBucketVersioningRequest) throws OSSException, ClientException
Sets the versioning configuration for the specified bucket.
A bucket's versioning configuration can be in one of three possible states:
By default, new buckets are in the
state. Once versioning is
enabled for a bucket the status can never be reverted to
Objects created before versioning was enabled or when versioning is
suspended will be given the default null
version ID (see
). Note that the
version ID is a valid version ID and is not the
same as not having a version ID.
The versioning configuration of a bucket has different implications for
each operation performed on that bucket or for objects within that
bucket. For example, when versioning is enabled a PutObject
operation creates a unique object version-id for the object being uploaded. The
The PutObject
API guarantees that, if versioning is enabled for a bucket at
the time of the request, the new object can only be permanently deleted
using a DeleteVersion
operation. It can never be overwritten.
Additionally, the PutObject
API guarantees that,
if versioning is enabled for a bucket the request,
no other object will be overwritten by that request.
Refer to the documentation sections for each API for information on how
versioning status affects the semantics of that particular API.
OSS is eventually consistent. It can take time for the versioning status of a bucket to be propagated throughout the system.
- The request object containing all options for setting the
bucket versioning configuration.ClientException
- If any errors are encountered in the client while making the
request or handling the response.OSSException
- If any errors occurred in OSS while processing the request.getBucketVersioning(String)
boolean doesBucketExist(String bucketName) throws OSSException, ClientException
exists .bucketName
- Bucket name.OSSException
boolean doesBucketExist(GenericRequest genericRequest) throws OSSException, ClientException
- GenericRequest
instance that has the bucket name.OSSException
ObjectListing listObjects(String bucketName) throws OSSException, ClientException
- Bucket nameObjectListing
instance that has all objects.OSSException
ObjectListing listObjects(String bucketName, String prefix) throws OSSException, ClientException
with the specified
- Bucket name.prefix
- The prefix returned object must have.ObjectListing
instance that has all objectsOSSException
ObjectListing listObjects(ListObjectsRequest listObjectsRequest) throws OSSException, ClientException
in the parameter of
- The ListObjectsRequest
instance that defines the
bucket name as well as the criteria such as prefix, marker,
maxKeys, delimiter, etc.ObjectListing
instance that has the objects meet the
VersionListing listVersions(String bucketName, String prefix) throws OSSException, ClientException
Returns a list of summary information about the versions in the specified bucket.
The returned version summaries are ordered first by key and then by version. Keys are sorted lexicographically (alphabetically) while versions are sorted from most recent to least recent. Both versions with data and delete markers are included in the results.
Because buckets can contain a virtually unlimited number of versions, the
complete results of a list query can be extremely large. To manage large
result sets, OSS uses pagination to split them into multiple
responses. Always check the
method to determine if the
returned listing is complete or if additional calls are needed to get
more results.
For more information about enabling versioning for a bucket, see
- The name of the OSS bucket whose versions are to be
- An optional parameter restricting the response to keys
beginning with the specified prefix. Use prefixes to
separate a bucket into different sets of keys,
similar to how a file system organizes files
into directories.ClientException
- If any errors are encountered in the client while making the
request or handling the response.OSSException
- If any errors occurred in OSS while processing the
OSSClient.listVersions(String, String, String, String, String, Integer)
VersionListing listVersions(String bucketName, String prefix, String keyMarker, String versionIdMarker, String delimiter, Integer maxResults) throws OSSException, ClientException
Returns a list of summary information about the versions in the specified bucket.
The returned version summaries are ordered first by key and then by version. Keys are sorted lexicographically (alphabetically) and versions are sorted from most recent to least recent. Versions with data and delete markers are included in the results.
Because buckets can contain a virtually unlimited number of versions, the
complete results of a list query can be extremely large. To manage large
result sets, OSS uses pagination to split them into multiple
responses. Always check the
method to determine if the
returned listing is complete or if additional calls are needed
to get more results.
The keyMarker
and versionIdMarker
parameters allow
callers to specify where to start the version listing.
The delimiter
parameter allows groups of keys that share a
delimiter-terminated prefix to be included
in the returned listing. This allows applications to organize and browse
their keys hierarchically, much like how a file system organizes
files into directories. These common prefixes can be retrieved
by calling the VersionListing.getCommonPrefixes()
For example, consider a bucket that contains the following keys:
a prefix
value of "foo/" and a delimiter
value of "/"
on this bucket, a VersionListing
is returned that contains:
To see deeper into the virtual hierarchy, make
another call to listVersions
setting the prefix parameter to any
interesting common prefix to list the individual versions under that
For more information about enabling versioning for a bucket, see
- The name of the OSS bucket whose versions are to be listed.prefix
- An optional parameter restricting the response to keys that
begin with the specified prefix. Use prefixes to
separate a bucket into different sets of keys,
similar to how a file system organizes files
into directories.keyMarker
- Optional parameter indicating where in the sorted list of all
versions in the specified bucket to begin returning results.
Results are always ordered first lexicographically (i.e.
alphabetically) and then from most recent version to least
recent version. If a keyMarker is used without a
versionIdMarker, results begin immediately after that key's
last version. When a keyMarker is used with a versionIdMarker,
results begin immediately after the version with the specified
key and version ID.
This enables pagination; to get the next page of results use
the next key marker and next version ID marker (from
) as the
markers for the next request to list versions.
- Optional parameter indicating where in the sorted list of all
versions in the specified bucket to begin returning results.
Results are always ordered first lexicographically (i.e.
alphabetically) and then from most recent version to least
recent version. A keyMarker must be specified when specifying
a versionIdMarker. Results begin immediately after the version
with the specified key and version ID.
This enables pagination; to get the next page of results use
the next key marker and next version ID marker (from
) as the
markers for the next request to list versions.
- Optional parameter that causes keys that contain the same
string between the prefix and the first occurrence of the
delimiter to be rolled up into a single result element in the
list. These
rolled-up keys are not returned elsewhere in the response. The
most commonly used delimiter is "/", which simulates a
hierarchical organization similar to a file system directory
- Optional parameter indicating the maximum number of results to
include in the response. OSS might return fewer than
this, but will not return more. Even if maxResults is not
specified, OSS will limit the number of results in the
- If any errors are encountered in the client while making the
request or handling the response.OSSException
- If any errors occurred in OSS while processing the
request.OSSClient.listVersions(String, String)
VersionListing listVersions(ListVersionsRequest listVersionsRequest) throws OSSException, ClientException
Returns a list of summary information about the versions in the specified bucket.
The returned version summaries are ordered first by key and then by version. Keys are sorted lexicographically (alphabetically) and versions are sorted from most recent to least recent. Versions with data and delete markers are included in the results.
Because buckets can contain a virtually unlimited number of versions, the
complete results of a list query can be extremely large. To manage large
result sets, OSS uses pagination to split them into multiple
responses. Always check the
method to determine if the
returned listing is complete or if additional calls are needed
to get more results.
The keyMarker
and versionIdMarker
parameters allow
callers to specify where to start the version listing.
The delimiter
parameter allows groups of keys that share a
delimiter-terminated prefix to be included
in the returned listing. This allows applications to organize and browse
their keys hierarchically, much like how a file system organizes
files into directories. These common prefixes can be retrieved
by calling the VersionListing.getCommonPrefixes()
For example, consider a bucket that contains the following keys:
a prefix
value of "foo/" and a delimiter
value of "/"
on this bucket, a VersionListing
is returned that contains:
To see deeper into the virtual hierarchy, make
another call to listVersions
setting the prefix parameter to any
interesting common prefix to list the individual versions under that
For more information about enabling versioning for a bucket, see
- The request object containing all options for listing the
versions in a specified bucket.ClientException
- If any errors are encountered in the client while making the
request or handling the response.OSSException
- If any errors occurred in OSS while processing the
request.OSSClient.listVersions(String, String)
OSSClient.listVersions(String, String, String, String, String, Integer)
PutObjectResult putObject(String bucketName, String key, InputStream input) throws OSSException, ClientException
from the InputStream
instance. It overwrites the existing one and the bucket must exist.bucketName
- Bucket name.key
- object key.input
- InputStream
instance to write from. The must be
PutObjectResult putObject(String bucketName, String key, InputStream input, ObjectMetadata metadata) throws OSSException, ClientException
from the @{link InputStream} with
the ObjectMetadata
- Bucket name.key
- Object key.input
- InputStream
instance to write from. It must be
- The ObjectMetadata
instance. If it does not specify
the Content-Length information, the data is encoded by chunked
tranfer encoding.OSSException
PutObjectResult putObject(String bucketName, String key, File file, ObjectMetadata metadata) throws OSSException, ClientException
from the file with the
- Bucket name.key
- Object key.file
- File object to read from.metadata
- The ObjectMetadata
instance. If it does not specify
the Content-Length information, the data is encoded by chunked
tranfer encoding.OSSException
PutObjectResult putObject(String bucketName, String key, File file) throws OSSException, ClientException
from the file.bucketName
- Bucket name.key
- Object key.file
- File object to read from.OSSException
PutObjectResult putObject(PutObjectRequest putObjectRequest) throws OSSException, ClientException
- The PutObjectRequest
instance that has bucket name,
object key, metadata information.PutObjectResult
PutObjectResult putObject(URL signedUrl, String filePath, Map<String,String> requestHeaders) throws OSSException, ClientException
- Signed url, which has the bucket name, object key, account
information and accessed Ids and its signature. The url is
recommended to be generated by generatePresignedUrl().filePath
- The file path to read fromrequestHeaders
- Request headers, including standard or customized http headers
documented by PutObject REST API.PutObjectResult
PutObjectResult putObject(URL signedUrl, String filePath, Map<String,String> requestHeaders, boolean useChunkEncoding) throws OSSException, ClientException
- Signed url, which has the bucket name, object key, account
information and accessed Ids and its signature. The url is
recommended to be generated by generatePresignedUrl().filePath
- The file path to read from.requestHeaders
- Request headers, including standard or customized http headers
documented by PutObject REST API.useChunkEncoding
- The flag of using chunked transfer encoding.PutObjectResult
PutObjectResult putObject(URL signedUrl, InputStream requestContent, long contentLength, Map<String,String> requestHeaders) throws OSSException, ClientException
- Signed Url, which has the bucket name, object key, account
information and accessed Ids and its signature. The url is
recommended to be generated by generatePresignedUrl().requestContent
- InputStream
instance to read from.contentLength
- Hint content length to write.requestHeaders
- Request headers,including standard or customized http headers
documented by PutObject REST API.PutObjectResult
PutObjectResult putObject(URL signedUrl, InputStream requestContent, long contentLength, Map<String,String> requestHeaders, boolean useChunkEncoding) throws OSSException, ClientException
- Signed Url, which has the bucket name, object key, account
information and accessed Ids and its signature. The url is
recommended to be generated by generatePresignedUrl().requestContent
- InputStream
instance to read from.contentLength
- Hint content length to write. if useChunkEncoding is true,
then -1 is used.requestHeaders
- Rquest headers,including standard or customized http headers
documented by PutObject REST API.useChunkEncoding
- The flag of using chunked transfer encoding.PutObjectResult
CopyObjectResult copyObject(String sourceBucketName, String sourceKey, String destinationBucketName, String destinationKey) throws OSSException, ClientException
- Source object's bucket name.sourceKey
- Source object's key.destinationBucketName
- Target object's bucket name.destinationKey
- Target object's key.CopyObjectResult
CopyObjectResult copyObject(CopyObjectRequest copyObjectRequest) throws OSSException, ClientException
- A CopyObjectRequest
instance that specifies source
file, source bucket and target file, target bucket。CopyObjectResult
OSSObject getObject(String bucketName, String key) throws OSSException, ClientException
- Bucket name.key
- Object Key.OSSObject
instance. The caller is responsible to close
the connection after usage.OSSException
ObjectMetadata getObject(GetObjectRequest getObjectRequest, File file) throws OSSException, ClientException
- A GetObjectRequest
instance which specifies bucket
name and object key.file
- Target file instance to download as.OSSException
OSSObject getObject(GetObjectRequest getObjectRequest) throws OSSException, ClientException
from the bucket specified in
- A GetObjectRequest
instance which specifies the bucket
name and the object key.OSSObject
instance of the bucket file. The caller is
responsible to close the connection after usage.OSSException
OSSObject selectObject(SelectObjectRequest selectObjectRequest) throws OSSException, ClientException
from the bucket specified in
- A SelectObjectRequest
instance which specifies the
bucket name
object key
filter expression
input serialization
output serializationOSSObject
instance will be returned. The caller is
responsible to close the connection after usage.OSSException
OSSObject getObject(URL signedUrl, Map<String,String> requestHeaders) throws OSSException, ClientException
from the signed Url.signedUrl
- The signed Url.requestHeaders
- Request headers, including http standard or OSS customized
instance.The caller is responsible to close
the connection after usage.OSSException
SimplifiedObjectMeta getSimplifiedObjectMeta(String bucketName, String key) throws OSSException, ClientException
Simplified metadata includes ETag, Size, LastModified and thus it's more lightweight then GetObjectMeta().
- Bucket name.key
- Object key.SimplifiedObjectMeta
instance of the object.OSSException
SimplifiedObjectMeta getSimplifiedObjectMeta(GenericRequest genericRequest) throws OSSException, ClientException
Simplified metadata includes ETag, Size, LastModified and thus it's more lightweight then GetObjectMeta().
- Generic request which specifies the bucket name and object keySimplifiedObjectMeta
instance of specified file.OSSException
ObjectMetadata getObjectMetadata(String bucketName, String key) throws OSSException, ClientException
- Bucket name.key
- Object key.ObjectMetadata
ObjectMetadata getObjectMetadata(GenericRequest genericRequest) throws OSSException, ClientException
- Generic request which specifies the bucket name and object
SelectObjectMetadata createSelectObjectMetadata(CreateSelectObjectMetadataRequest createSelectObjectMetadataRequest) throws OSSException, ClientException
- CreateSelectObjectMetadataRequest
create select object metadata request.SelectObjectMetadata
ObjectMetadata headObject(String bucketName, String key) throws OSSException, ClientException
- Bucket name.key
- Object key.ObjectMetadata
ObjectMetadata headObject(HeadObjectRequest headObjectRequest) throws OSSException, ClientException
- A HeadObjectRequest
instance which specifies the
bucket name and object key, and some constraint information can be set.ObjectMetadata
AppendObjectResult appendObject(AppendObjectRequest appendObjectRequest) throws OSSException, ClientException
. It's not applicable to normal OSS object.appendObjectRequest
- A AppendObjectRequest
instance which specifies the
bucket name, appendable object key, the file or the
InputStream object to append.AppendObjectResult
void deleteObject(String bucketName, String key) throws OSSException, ClientException
by bucket name and object key.bucketName
- Bucket name.key
- Object key.OSSException
void deleteObject(GenericRequest genericRequest) throws OSSException, ClientException
by the GenericRequest
- The GenericRequest
instance that specfies the bucket
name and object key.OSSException
DeleteObjectsResult deleteObjects(DeleteObjectsRequest deleteObjectsRequest) throws OSSException, ClientException
- A DeleteObjectsRequest
instance which specifies the
bucket and file keys to delete.DeleteObjectsResult
instance which specifies each
file's result in normal mode or only failed deletions in quite
mode. By default it's normal mode.OSSException
void deleteVersion(String bucketName, String key, String versionId) throws OSSException, ClientException
Deletes a specific version of the specified object in the specified bucket. Once deleted, there is no method to restore or undelete an object version. This is the only way to permanently delete object versions that are protected by versioning.
Deleting an object version is permanent and irreversible. It is a privileged operation that only the owner of the bucket containing the version can perform.
Users can only delete a version of an object if versioning is enabled
for the bucket.
For more information about enabling versioning for a bucket, see
If attempting to delete an object that does not exist, OSS will return a success message instead of an error message.
- The name of the OSS bucket containing the object to delete.key
- The key of the object to delete.versionId
- The version of the object to delete.ClientException
- If any errors are encountered in the client while making the
request or handling the response.OSSException
- If any errors occurred in OSS while processing the request.void deleteVersion(DeleteVersionRequest deleteVersionRequest) throws OSSException, ClientException
Deletes a specific version of an object in the specified bucket. Once deleted, there is no method to restore or undelete an object version. This is the only way to permanently delete object versions that are protected by versioning.
Deleting an object version is permanent and irreversible. It is a privileged operation that only the owner of the bucket containing the version can perform.
Users can only delete a version of an object if versioning is enabled
for the bucket.
For more information about enabling versioning for a bucket, see
If attempting to delete an object that does not exist, OSS will return a success message instead of an error message.
- The request object containing all options for deleting a
specific version of an OSS object.ClientException
- If any errors are encountered in the client while making the
request or handling the response.OSSException
- If any errors occurred in OSS while processing the request.DeleteVersionsResult deleteVersions(DeleteVersionsRequest deleteVersionsRequest) throws OSSException, ClientException
- A DeleteVersionsRequest
instance which specifies the
bucket and file keys to delete.DeleteVersionsResult
instance which specifies each
file's result in normal mode or only failed deletions in quite
mode. By default it's normal mode.OSSException
boolean doesObjectExist(String bucketName, String key) throws OSSException, ClientException
exists under the specific
. 302 Redirect or OSS mirroring will not impact the result
of this function.bucketName
- Bucket name.key
- Object Key.OSSException
boolean doesObjectExist(GenericRequest genericRequest) throws OSSException, ClientException
exists under the specific
. 302 Redirect or OSS mirroring will not impact the result
of this function.genericRequest
- A GenericRequest
instance which specifies the bucket
and object key.OSSException
boolean doesObjectExist(String bucketName, String key, boolean isOnlyInOSS)
exists under the specific
. 302 Redirect or OSS mirroring will impact the result of
this function if isOnlyInOSS is true.bucketName
- Bucket name.key
- Object Key.isOnlyInOSS
- true if ignore 302 redirect or mirroring; false if considering
302 redirect or mirroring, which could download the object
from source to OSS when the file exists in source but is not
in OSS yet.boolean doesObjectExist(GenericRequest genericRequest, boolean isOnlyInOSS) throws OSSException, ClientException
exists under the specific
. 302 Redirect or OSS mirroring will not impact the result
of this function.genericRequest
- A GenericRequest
instance which specifies the bucket
and object key.isOnlyInOSS
- true if ignore 302 redirect or mirroring; false if considering
302 redirect or mirroring, which could download the object
from source to OSS when the file exists in source but is not
in OSS yet.OSSException
@Deprecated boolean doesObjectExist(HeadObjectRequest headObjectRequest) throws OSSException, ClientException
- A HeadObjectRequest
instance which specifies the
bucket name and object key. Constraint information is ignored.OSSException
void setObjectAcl(String bucketName, String key, CannedAccessControlList cannedAcl) throws OSSException, ClientException
- Bucket name.key
- Object Key.cannedAcl
- One of the three values: Private, PublicRead or
void setObjectAcl(SetObjectAclRequest setObjectAclRequest) throws OSSException, ClientException
- A SetObjectAclRequest
instance which specifies the
object's bucket name and key as well as the ACL information.OSSException
ObjectAcl getObjectAcl(String bucketName, String key) throws OSSException, ClientException
- Bucket name.key
- Object Key.ObjectAcl
instance of the object.OSSException
ObjectAcl getObjectAcl(GenericRequest genericRequest) throws OSSException, ClientException
- A GenericRequest
instance which specifies the bucket
name and object key.OSSException
RestoreObjectResult restoreObject(String bucketName, String key) throws OSSException, ClientException
- Bucket name.key
- Object Key.RestoreObjectResult
RestoreObjectResult restoreObject(GenericRequest genericRequest) throws OSSException, ClientException
- A GenericRequest
instance that specifies the bucket
name and object key.RestoreObjectResult
void setObjectTagging(String bucketName, String key, Map<String,String> tags) throws OSSException, ClientException
- Bucket name.key
- Object name.tags
- The dictionary that contains the tags in the form of <key,
value> pairs.OSSException
void setObjectTagging(String bucketName, String key, TagSet tagSet) throws OSSException, ClientException
- Bucket name.key
- Object name.tagSet
- TagSet
instance that has the tags in the form of <key,
value> pairs.OSSException
void setObjectTagging(SetObjectTaggingRequest setObjectTaggingRequest) throws OSSException, ClientException
- SetObjectTaggingRequest
instance that has object
information as well as tagging information.OSSException
TagSet getObjectTagging(String bucketName, String key) throws OSSException, ClientException
- Bucket name.key
- Object name.TagSet
instance. If there's no tag, the TagSet object
with empty tag information is returned.OSSException
TagSet getObjectTagging(GenericRequest genericRequest) throws OSSException, ClientException
- A GenericRequest
instance that specifies the bucket
name and object name.TagSet
void deleteObjectTagging(String bucketName, String key) throws OSSException, ClientException
- Bucket name.key
- Object name.OSSException
void deleteObjectTagging(GenericRequest genericRequest) throws OSSException, ClientException
- A GenericRequest
instance that specifies the bucket
name and object name.OSSException
URL generatePresignedUrl(String bucketName, String key, Date expiration) throws ClientException
- Bucket name.key
- Object key.expiration
- URL's expiration time.OSSObject
URL generatePresignedUrl(String bucketName, String key, Date expiration, HttpMethod method) throws ClientException
with a
specific HTTP method.bucketName
- Bucket name.key
- Object Key.expiration
- URL's expiration time.method
- HTTP method,Only HttpMethod.GET
are supported.OSSObject
URL generatePresignedUrl(GeneratePresignedUrlRequest request) throws ClientException
with a
specific HTTP method.request
- A GeneratePresignedUrlRequest
instance which specifies
the bucket name, file key, expiration time, HTTP method, and
the MD5 signature of the content, etc.OSSObject
void putBucketImage(PutBucketImageRequest request) throws OSSException, ClientException
- A PutBucketImageRequest
instances which specifies some
attributes of image processing.OSSException
GetBucketImageResult getBucketImage(String bucketName) throws OSSException, ClientException
- The bucket nameGetBucketImageResult
instance which has attributes of
image processingOSSException
GetBucketImageResult getBucketImage(String bucketName, GenericRequest genericRequest) throws OSSException, ClientException
- The bucket name.genericRequest
- The origin request.GetBucketImageResult
which has the attributes of image
void deleteBucketImage(String bucketName) throws OSSException, ClientException
- Bucket nameOSSException
void deleteBucketImage(String bucketName, GenericRequest genericRequest) throws OSSException, ClientException
- Bucket namegenericRequest
- The origin requestgenericRequest
- OSSException
void deleteImageStyle(String bucketName, String styleName) throws OSSException, ClientException
- Bucket namestyleName
- Style nameOSSException
void deleteImageStyle(String bucketName, String styleName, GenericRequest genericRequest) throws OSSException, ClientException
- Bucket namestyleName
- Style namegenericRequest
- The origin requestOSSException
void putImageStyle(PutImageStyleRequest putImageStyleRequest) throws OSSException, ClientException
- A PutImageStyleRequest
instance that has bucket name
and style informationOSSException
GetImageStyleResult getImageStyle(String bucketName, String styleName) throws OSSException, ClientException
- Bucket name.styleName
- Style name.GetImageStyleResult
instance which has the style
information if successful or error code if failed.OSSException
GetImageStyleResult getImageStyle(String bucketName, String styleName, GenericRequest genericRequest) throws OSSException, ClientException
- Bucket name.styleName
- Style name.genericRequest
- The origin request.GetImageStyleResult
instance which has the style
information if successful or error code if failed.OSSException
List<Style> listImageStyle(String bucketName) throws OSSException, ClientException
- Bucket name.List
of all styles of the Bucket. If there's no style,
it will be an empty list.OSSException
List<Style> listImageStyle(String bucketName, GenericRequest genericRequest) throws OSSException, ClientException
- Bucket name.genericRequest
- The origin request.List
of all styles of the Bucket. If there's no style,
it will be an empty list.OSSException
- OSS Server side exception.ClientException
- OSS Client side exception.void setBucketProcess(SetBucketProcessRequest setBucketProcessRequest) throws OSSException, ClientException
- A SetBucketTaggingRequest
instance that contains the
image accessing configuration such as enable original picture
protection, etc.OSSException
- OSS Server side exception.ClientException
- OSS Client side exception.BucketProcess getBucketProcess(String bucketName) throws OSSException, ClientException
- Bucket name.BucketProcess
which contains the image accessing
configurations if succeeds.OSSException
- OSS Server side exception.ClientException
- OSS Client side exception.BucketProcess getBucketProcess(GenericRequest genericRequest) throws OSSException, ClientException
- A GenericRequest
instance that has the bucket name.BucketProcess
which contains the image accessing
configurations if succeeds.OSSException
- OSS Server side exception.ClientException
- OSS Client side exception.InitiateMultipartUploadResult initiateMultipartUpload(InitiateMultipartUploadRequest request) throws OSSException, ClientException
Prior to starting a multiple part upload, this method needs to be called to ask OSS service do some initialization work. Upon a successful call, it returns a globally unique upload ID which could be used for the subsequent operations such as pause, lookup multiple parts, etc. This method will not automatically retry even if the max retry count is greater than 0, because it's not idempotent.
- A InitiateMultipartUploadRequest
instance which
specifies the bucket name, object key and metadata.InitiateMultipartUploadResult
instance which has the
global unique id if succeeds.ClientException
MultipartUploadListing listMultipartUploads(ListMultipartUploadsRequest request) throws OSSException, ClientException
Those initialized but not finished multipart uploads would be listed by this method. If the executing multiple parts upload count is more than maxUploads (which could be up to 1000), then it would return the nextUploadIdMaker and nextKeyMaker which could be used for next call. When keyMarker in parameter request is specified, it would list executing multipart uploads whose keys are greater than the keyMarker in lexicographic order and multipart uploads whose keys are equal to the keyMarker and uploadIds are greater than uploadIdMarker in lexicographic order. In the other words, the keyMarker has the priority over the uploadIdMarker and uploadIdMarker only impacts the uploads who has the same keys as the keyMarker.
- A ListMultipartUploadsRequest
Upon a successful call, it may has nextKeyMarker and
nextUploadIdMarker for the next call in case OSS has remaining
uploads not returned.ClientException
PartListing listParts(ListPartsRequest request) throws OSSException, ClientException
- A ListPartsRequest
UploadPartResult uploadPart(UploadPartRequest request) throws OSSException, ClientException
- A UploadPartRequest
instance which specifies bucket,
object key, upload id, part number, content and length, MD5
digest and chunked transfer encoding flag.UploadPartResult
instance to indicate
the upload result.ClientException
UploadPartCopyResult uploadPartCopy(UploadPartCopyRequest request) throws OSSException, ClientException
- A UploadPartCopyRequest
instance which specifies: 1)
source file 2) source file's copy range 3) target file 4)
target file's upload Id and its part number 5) constraints
such as ETag match or non-match, last modified match or
non-match, etc.UploadPartCopyResult
instance which has the part number
and ETag upon a successful upload.OSSException
void abortMultipartUpload(AbortMultipartUploadRequest request) throws OSSException, ClientException
- A AbortMultipartUploadRequest
instance which specifies
the file name and the upload Id to abort.ClientException
CompleteMultipartUploadResult completeMultipartUpload(CompleteMultipartUploadRequest request) throws OSSException, ClientException
After all parts uploads finish, this API needs to be called to finalize the upload. All parts' number and their ETag are required and if ETag verification is not passed, the API will fail. The parts' are not necessarily ordered and the final file's content is determined by the order in partETags list.
The API will not automatically retry even if the max retry count is greater than 0 because it's not idempotent.
- A CompleteMultipartUploadRequest
instance which
specifies all parameters to complete multiple part upload.CompleteMultipartUploadResult
instance which has the
key, ETag, url of the final object.ClientException
void setBucketCORS(SetBucketCORSRequest request) throws OSSException, ClientException
- A SetBucketCORSRequest
object that has defined all
CORS rules.OSSException
List<SetBucketCORSRequest.CORSRule> getBucketCORSRules(String bucketName) throws OSSException, ClientException
- Bucket name.SetBucketCORSRequest.CORSRule
under the bucket.OSSException
List<SetBucketCORSRequest.CORSRule> getBucketCORSRules(GenericRequest genericRequest) throws OSSException, ClientException
- A GenericRequest
instance that specifies the bucket
under the bucket.OSSException
void deleteBucketCORSRules(String bucketName) throws OSSException, ClientException
- The bucket name.OSSException
void deleteBucketCORSRules(GenericRequest genericRequest) throws OSSException, ClientException
- The GenericRequest
instance that specifies the bucket
@Deprecated ResponseMessage optionsObject(OptionsRequest request) throws OSSException, ClientException
void setBucketLogging(SetBucketLoggingRequest request) throws OSSException, ClientException
's logging. To enable the logging,
the TargetBucket attribute in SetBucketLoggingRequest object must be
specified. To disable the logging, the TargetBucket attribute in
SetBucketLoggingRequest object must be null. The logging file will be
hourly rolling log.request
- A SetBucketLoggingRequest
instance which specifies the
bucket name to set the logging, the target bucket to store the
logging data and the prefix of the logging file.OSSException
BucketLoggingResult getBucketLogging(String bucketName) throws OSSException, ClientException
's logging setting.bucketName
- The bucket name.BucketLoggingResult
instance which contains the logging
settings such as target bucket for data, logging file prefix.OSSException
BucketLoggingResult getBucketLogging(GenericRequest genericRequest) throws OSSException, ClientException
's logging setting.genericRequest
- The GenericRequest
instance which specifies the bucket
instance which contains the logging
settings such as target bucket for data, logging file prefix.OSSException
void deleteBucketLogging(String bucketName) throws OSSException, ClientException
- Bucket NameOSSException
void deleteBucketLogging(GenericRequest genericRequest) throws OSSException, ClientException
- The GenericRequest
instance which specifies the bucket
void setBucketWebsite(SetBucketWebsiteRequest setBucketWebSiteRequest) throws OSSException, ClientException
. The settings
includes the mandatory home page, the optional 404 page and the routing
rules. If home page is null, then the static website is not enabled on
the bucket.setBucketWebSiteRequest
- A SetBucketWebsiteRequest
instance to set with.OSSException
BucketWebsiteResult getBucketWebsite(String bucketName) throws OSSException, ClientException
's static website settings.bucketName
- The bucket name.BucketWebsiteResult
BucketWebsiteResult getBucketWebsite(GenericRequest genericRequest) throws OSSException, ClientException
's static webite settings.genericRequest
- The GenericRequest
instance which specifies the bucket
void deleteBucketWebsite(String bucketName) throws OSSException, ClientException
's static website configuration, which means
disabling the static website on the bucket.bucketName
- Bucket nameOSSException
void deleteBucketWebsite(GenericRequest genericRequest) throws OSSException, ClientException
's static website configuration, which means
disabling the static website on the bucket.genericRequest
- The GenericRequest
instance which specifies the bucket
String generatePostPolicy(Date expiration, PolicyConditions conds) throws ClientException
- Policy expiration time.conds
- Policy condition lists.ClientException
String calculatePostSignature(String postPolicy)
- Post policy string in JSON which is generated from
generatePostPolicy(Date, PolicyConditions)
.void setBucketLifecycle(SetBucketLifecycleRequest setBucketLifecycleRequest) throws OSSException, ClientException
's lifecycle rule.setBucketLifecycleRequest
- A SetBucketWebsiteRequest
instance which specifies the
lifecycle rulesOSSException
- OSS Server side exception.ClientException
- OSS Client side exception.List<LifecycleRule> getBucketLifecycle(String bucketName) throws OSSException, ClientException
's lifecycle rules.bucketName
- Bucket name.LifecycleRule
- OSS Server side exception.ClientException
- OSS Client side exception.List<LifecycleRule> getBucketLifecycle(GenericRequest genericRequest) throws OSSException, ClientException
's Lifecycle rules.genericRequest
- The GenericRequest
instance which specifies the bucket
- OSS Server side exception.ClientException
- OSS Client side exception.void deleteBucketLifecycle(String bucketName) throws OSSException, ClientException
's Lifecycle rules.bucketName
- The bucket name to operate on.OSSException
- OSS Server side exception.ClientException
- OSS Client side exception.void deleteBucketLifecycle(GenericRequest genericRequest) throws OSSException, ClientException
's Lifecycle rules.genericRequest
- The GenericRequest
instance which specifies the bucket
- OSS Server side exception.ClientException
- OSS Client side exception.void addBucketReplication(AddBucketReplicationRequest addBucketReplicationRequest) throws OSSException, ClientException
's cross-region replication rule.addBucketReplicationRequest
- A AddBucketReplicationRequest
instance which specifies
a replication rule.OSSException
- OSS Server side exception.ClientException
- OSS Client side exception.List<ReplicationRule> getBucketReplication(String bucketName) throws OSSException, ClientException
's cross region replication rules.bucketName
- Bucket name.ReplicationRule
under the bucket.OSSException
- OSS Server side exception.ClientException
- OSS Client side exception.List<ReplicationRule> getBucketReplication(GenericRequest genericRequest) throws OSSException, ClientException
's cross region replication rules.genericRequest
- The GenericRequest
instance which specifies the bucket
under the bucket.OSSException
- OSS Server side exception.ClientException
- OSS Client side exception.void deleteBucketReplication(String bucketName, String replicationRuleID) throws OSSException, ClientException
's cross region replication rule.bucketName
- Bucket name.replicationRuleID
- Replication Id to delete.OSSException
- OSS Server side exception.ClientException
- OSS Client side exception.void deleteBucketReplication(DeleteBucketReplicationRequest deleteBucketReplicationRequest) throws OSSException, ClientException
's cross region replication rule.deleteBucketReplicationRequest
- The DeleteBucketReplicationRequest
instance which
specifies the replication rule Id to delete.OSSException
- OSS Server side exception.ClientException
- OSS Client side exception.BucketReplicationProgress getBucketReplicationProgress(String bucketName, String replicationRuleID) throws OSSException, ClientException
's progress of the specified cross region
replication rule.bucketName
- Bucket name.replicationRuleID
- Replication Rule Id.OSSException
- OSS Server side exception.ClientException
- OSS Client side exception.BucketReplicationProgress getBucketReplicationProgress(GetBucketReplicationProgressRequest getBucketReplicationProgressRequest) throws OSSException, ClientException
's progress of the specified cross region
replication rule.getBucketReplicationProgressRequest
- The GetBucketReplicationProgressRequest
instance which
specifies the replication rule Id and bucket name.OSSException
- OSS Server side exception.ClientException
- OSS Client side exception.List<String> getBucketReplicationLocation(String bucketName) throws OSSException, ClientException
's replication reachable data centers.bucketName
- Bucket name.OSSException
- OSS Server side exception.ClientException
- OSS Client side exception.List<String> getBucketReplicationLocation(GenericRequest genericRequest) throws OSSException, ClientException
's replication reachable data centers.genericRequest
- The GenericRequest
instance that specifies the bucket
- OSS Server side exception.ClientException
- OSS Client side exception.void addBucketCname(AddBucketCnameRequest addBucketCnameRequest) throws OSSException, ClientException
- The request specifies the bucket name and the Cname
- OSS Server side exception.ClientException
- OSS Client side exception.List<CnameConfiguration> getBucketCname(String bucketName) throws OSSException, ClientException
's Cnames.bucketName
- Bucket name.OSSException
- OSS Server side exception.ClientException
- OSS Client side exception.List<CnameConfiguration> getBucketCname(GenericRequest genericRequest) throws OSSException, ClientException
's Cnames.genericRequest
- The GenericRequest
instance which specifies the bucket
- OSS Server side exception.ClientException
- OSS Client side exception.void deleteBucketCname(String bucketName, String domain) throws OSSException, ClientException
's Cname specified by the parameter domain.bucketName
- The bucket name。domain
- cname。OSSException
- OSS Server side exception.ClientException
- OSS Client side exception.void deleteBucketCname(DeleteBucketCnameRequest deleteBucketCnameRequest) throws OSSException, ClientException
's specific Cname specified by the parameter
- A DeleteBucketCnameRequest
instance that specifies the
bucket name and the domain name to deleteOSSException
- OSS Server side exception.ClientException
- OSS Client side exception.BucketInfo getBucketInfo(String bucketName) throws OSSException, ClientException
's basic information as well as its ACL.bucketName
- The bucket name。BucketInfo
- OSS Server side exception.ClientException
- OSS Client side exception.BucketInfo getBucketInfo(GenericRequest genericRequest) throws OSSException, ClientException
's basic information as well as its ACL.genericRequest
- The GenericRequest
instance which specifies the bucket
- OSS Server side exception.ClientException
- OSS Client side exception.BucketStat getBucketStat(String bucketName) throws OSSException, ClientException
's storage information such as object counts,
storage size and executing multipart uploads.bucketName
- The bucket name。BucketStat
- OSS Server side exception.ClientException
- OSS Client side exception.BucketStat getBucketStat(GenericRequest genericRequest) throws OSSException, ClientException
's storage information such as object counts,
storage size and executing multipart uploads.genericRequest
- The GenericRequest
instance which specifies the bucket
- OSS Server side exception.ClientException
- OSS Client side exception.void setBucketStorageCapacity(String bucketName, UserQos userQos) throws OSSException, ClientException
- The bucket name。userQos
- A UserQos
instance which specifies the capacity in GBOSSException
- OSS Server side exception.ClientException
- OSS Client side exception.void setBucketStorageCapacity(SetBucketStorageCapacityRequest setBucketStorageCapacityRequest) throws OSSException, ClientException
- A SetBucketStorageCapacityRequest
instance which
specifies the bucket name as well as a UserQos instanceOSSException
- OSS Server side exception.ClientException
- OSS Client side exception.UserQos getBucketStorageCapacity(String bucketName) throws OSSException, ClientException
's capacitybucketName
- The bucket name.UserQos
instance which has the capacity information.OSSException
- OSS Server side exception.ClientException
- OSS Client side exception.UserQos getBucketStorageCapacity(GenericRequest genericRequest) throws OSSException, ClientException
's capacitygenericRequest
- The GenericRequest
instance which specifies the bucket
instance which has the capacity information.OSSException
- OSS Server side exception.ClientException
- OSS Client side exception.void setBucketEncryption(SetBucketEncryptionRequest setBucketEncryptionRequest) throws OSSException, ClientException
- The request object for setting the bucket encryption configuration.OSSException
- OSS Server side exception.ClientException
- OSS Client side exception.ServerSideEncryptionConfiguration getBucketEncryption(String bucketName) throws OSSException, ClientException
- Name of the bucket to retrieve encryption configuration for.ServerSideEncryptionConfiguration
- OSS Server side exception.ClientException
- OSS Client side exception.ServerSideEncryptionConfiguration getBucketEncryption(GenericRequest genericRequest) throws OSSException, ClientException
- The GenericRequest
instance which specifies the bucket
- OSS Server side exception.ClientException
- OSS Client side exception.void deleteBucketEncryption(String bucketName) throws OSSException, ClientException
- The bucket name.OSSException
- OSS Server side exception.ClientException
- OSS Client side exception.void deleteBucketEncryption(GenericRequest genericRequest) throws OSSException, ClientException
- The GenericRequest
instance which specifies the bucket
- OSS Server side exception.ClientException
- OSS Client side exception.void setBucketPolicy(String bucketName, String policyText) throws OSSException, ClientException
- Bucket name.policyText
- Policy JSON text, please refer to the policy writing rules of AliyunOSSException
- OSS Server side exception.ClientException
- OSS Client side exception.void setBucketPolicy(SetBucketPolicyRequest setBucketPolicyRequest) throws OSSException, ClientException
- SetBucketPolicyRequest
instance that has bucket
information as well as policy information.OSSException
- OSS Server side exception.ClientException
- OSS Client side exception.GetBucketPolicyResult getBucketPolicy(GenericRequest genericRequest) throws OSSException, ClientException
- GenericRequest
instance that has the bucket name.InputStream
- OSS Server side exception.ClientException
- OSS Client side exception.GetBucketPolicyResult getBucketPolicy(String bucketName) throws OSSException, ClientException
- Bucket nameInputStream
- OSS Server side exception.ClientException
- OSS Client side exception.void deleteBucketPolicy(GenericRequest genericRequest) throws OSSException, ClientException
- GenericRequest
instance that has the bucket name.OSSException
- OSS Server side exception.ClientException
- OSS Client side exception.void deleteBucketPolicy(String bucketName) throws OSSException, ClientException
- Bucket nameOSSException
- OSS Server side exception.ClientException
- OSS Client side exception.UploadFileResult uploadFile(UploadFileRequest uploadFileRequest) throws Throwable
- A UploadFileRequest
instance that specifies the bucket
name, object key, file path ,part size (> 100K) and thread
count (from 1 to 1000) and checkpoint file.UploadFileRequest
instance which has the new uploaded
file's key, ETag, location.Throwable
DownloadFileResult downloadFile(DownloadFileRequest downloadFileRequest) throws Throwable
- A DownloadFileRequest
instance that specifies the
bucket name, object key, file path, part size (> 100K) and
thread count (from 1 to 1000) and checkpoint file. Also it
could have the ETag and ModifiedSince constraints.DownloadFileResult
instance that has the
CreateLiveChannelResult createLiveChannel(CreateLiveChannelRequest createLiveChannelRequest) throws OSSException, ClientException
- A CreateLiveChannelRequest
instance that specifies the
target bucket name, channel name, channel status (Enabled or
Disabled), streaming storage status such as media file name,
its .ts file time duration, etc.CreateLiveChannelResult
instance that specifies the
publish url and playback url.OSSException
- OSS Server side exception.ClientException
- OSS Client side exception.void setLiveChannelStatus(String bucketName, String liveChannel, LiveChannelStatus status) throws OSSException, ClientException
- Bucket name.liveChannel
- Live Channel name.status
- Live Channel status: "Enabled" or "Disabled".OSSException
- OSS Server side exception.ClientException
- OSS Client side exception.void setLiveChannelStatus(SetLiveChannelRequest setLiveChannelRequest) throws OSSException, ClientException
- A SetLiveChannelRequest
instance that specifies the
bucket name, the channel name and the Live Channel status.OSSException
- OSS Server side exception.ClientException
- OSS Client side exception.LiveChannelInfo getLiveChannelInfo(String bucketName, String liveChannel) throws OSSException, ClientException
- Bucket name.liveChannel
- Live Channel name.LiveChannelInfo
instance that contains the Live
Channel's name, description, bucket name and its streaming
storage information.OSSException
- OSS Server side exception.ClientException
- OSS Client side exception.LiveChannelInfo getLiveChannelInfo(LiveChannelGenericRequest liveChannelGenericRequest) throws OSSException, ClientException
- A LiveChannelGenericRequest
instance that specifies
the bucket name and Live Channel name.LiveChannelInfo
instance that contains the Live
Channel's name, description, bucket name and its streaming
storage information.OSSException
- OSS Server side exception.ClientException
- OSS Client side exception.LiveChannelStat getLiveChannelStat(String bucketName, String liveChannel) throws OSSException, ClientException
- Bucket name.liveChannel
- Live Channel name.LiveChannelStat
instance that contains the media's
resolution, frame rate and bandwidth.OSSException
- OSS Server side exception.ClientException
- OSS Client side exception.LiveChannelStat getLiveChannelStat(LiveChannelGenericRequest liveChannelGenericRequest) throws OSSException, ClientException
- A LiveChannelGenericRequest
instance that specifies
the bucket name and channel name.LiveChannelStat
instance that contains the media's
resolution, frame rate and bandwidth.OSSException
- OSS Server side exception.ClientException
- OSS Client side exception.void deleteLiveChannel(String bucketName, String liveChannel) throws OSSException, ClientException
- Bucket name.liveChannel
- Live Channel name.OSSException
- OSS Server side exception.ClientException
- OSS Client side exception.void deleteLiveChannel(LiveChannelGenericRequest liveChannelGenericRequest) throws OSSException, ClientException
- A LiveChannelGenericRequest
instance that specifies
- OSS Server side exception.ClientException
- OSS Client side exception.List<LiveChannel> listLiveChannels(String bucketName) throws OSSException, ClientException
- Bucket name.LiveChannel
instances under the bucket.OSSException
- OSS Server side exception.ClientException
- OSS Client side exception.LiveChannelListing listLiveChannels(ListLiveChannelsRequest listLiveChannelRequest) throws OSSException, ClientException
- A ListLiveChannelsRequest
that specifies the bucket
name and its requirement on Live Channel instances to return,
such as prefix, marker, max entries to return.LiveChannel
instances that meet the
- OSS Server side exception.ClientException
- OSS Client side exception.List<LiveRecord> getLiveChannelHistory(String bucketName, String liveChannel) throws OSSException, ClientException
entries from the specified Live Channel.
OSS saves recent 10 LiveRecord (pushing streaming record) for every Live
- Bucket name.liveChannel
- Live Channel name.LiveRecord
for the live channel.OSSException
- OSS Server side exception.ClientException
- OSS Client side exception.List<LiveRecord> getLiveChannelHistory(LiveChannelGenericRequest liveChannelGenericRequest) throws OSSException, ClientException
entries from the specified Live Channel.
OSS saves recent 10 LiveRecord (pushing streaming record) for every Live
- A LiveChannelGenericRequest
instance that specifies
the bucket name and Live Channel name.LiveRecord
for the live channel.OSSException
- OSS Server side exception.ClientException
- OSS Client side exception.void generateVodPlaylist(String bucketName, String liveChannelName, String PlaylistName, long startTime, long endTime) throws OSSException, ClientException
- Bucket name.liveChannelName
- Live Channel name.PlaylistName
- The playlist file name, such as (playlist.m3u8).startTime
- The start time of the playlist in epoch time (means *.ts files
time is same or later than it)endTime
- The end time of the playlist in epoch time(means *.ts files
time is no later than it).OSSException
- OSS Server side exception.ClientException
- OSS Client side exception.void generateVodPlaylist(GenerateVodPlaylistRequest generateVodPlaylistRequest) throws OSSException, ClientException
- A GenerateVodPlaylistRequest
instance the specifies
the bucket name and the Live Channel name.OSSException
- OSS Server side exception.ClientException
- OSS Client side exception.OSSObject getVodPlaylist(String bucketName, String liveChannelName, long startTime, long endTime) throws OSSException, ClientException
- Bucket name.liveChannelName
- Live Channel name.startTime
- The start time of the playlist in epoch time (means *.ts files
time is same or later than it)endTime
- The end time of the playlist in epoch time(means *.ts files
time is no later than it).OSSObject
- OSS Server side exception.ClientException
- OSS Client side exception.OSSObject getVodPlaylist(GetVodPlaylistRequest getVodPlaylistRequest) throws OSSException, ClientException
- A GetVodPlaylistRequest
instance the specifies
the bucket name and the Live Channel name.OSSObject
- OSS Server side exception.ClientException
- OSS Client side exception.String generateRtmpUri(String bucketName, String liveChannelName, String PlaylistName, long expires) throws OSSException, ClientException
- Bucket name.liveChannelName
- Live Channel name.PlaylistName
- The playlist file name such as playlist.m3u8.expires
- Expiration time in epoch time, such as 1459922563.OSSException
- OSS Server side exception.ClientException
- OSS Client side exception.String generateRtmpUri(GenerateRtmpUriRequest generatePushflowUrlRequest) throws OSSException, ClientException
- A GenerateRtmpUriRequest
instance that specifies the
bucket name and the Live Channel name.OSSException
- OSS Server side exception.ClientException
- OSS Client side exception.void createSymlink(String bucketName, String symlink, String target) throws OSSException, ClientException
- Bucket name.symlink
- symlink
- target file key.OSSException
- OSS Server side exception.ClientException
- OSS Client side exception.void createSymlink(CreateSymlinkRequest createSymlinkRequest) throws OSSException, ClientException
- A CreateSymlinkRequest
instance that specifies the
bucket name, symlink name.OSSException
- OSS Server side exception.ClientException
- OSS Client side exception.OSSSymlink getSymlink(String bucketName, String symlink) throws OSSException, ClientException
- Bucket name.symlink
- The symlink name.OSSException
- OSS Server side exception.ClientException
- OSS Client side exception.OSSSymlink getSymlink(GenericRequest genericRequest) throws OSSException, ClientException
- A GenericRequest
instance which specifies the bucket
name and symlink name.OSSException
- OSS Server side exception.ClientException
- OSS Client side exception.GenericResult processObject(ProcessObjectRequest processObjectRequest) throws OSSException, ClientException
The supported process includes resize, rotate, crop, watermark, format,
udf, customized style, etc. The GenericResult
instance returned
must be closed by the calller to release connection via calling
- A ProcessObjectRequest
instance that specifies the
bucket name, the object key and the process (such as
instance which must be closed after the
usage by the caller.OSSException
- OSS Server side exception.ClientException
- OSS Client side exception.void setBucketRequestPayment(String bucketName, Payer payer) throws OSSException, ClientException
- The bucket name.payer
- The request payer settingOSSException
- OSS Server side exception.ClientException
- OSS Client side exception.void setBucketRequestPayment(SetBucketRequestPaymentRequest setBucketRequestPaymentRequest) throws OSSException, ClientException
- A SetBucketRequestPaymentRequest
instance that has
the bucket name and payer setting.OSSException
- OSS Server side exception.ClientException
- OSS Client side exception.GetBucketRequestPaymentResult getBucketRequestPayment(String bucketName) throws OSSException, ClientException
- The bucket name.OSSException
- OSS Server side exception.ClientException
- OSS Client side exception.GetBucketRequestPaymentResult getBucketRequestPayment(GenericRequest genericRequest) throws OSSException, ClientException
- GenericRequest
instance that has the bucket name.OSSException
- OSS Server side exception.ClientException
- OSS Client side exception.void setBucketQosInfo(String bucketName, BucketQosInfo bucketQosInfo) throws OSSException, ClientException
- The bucket name.bucketQosInfo
- The bucket qos info settingOSSException
- OSS Server side exception.ClientException
- OSS Client side exception.void setBucketQosInfo(SetBucketQosInfoRequest setBucketQosInfoRequest) throws OSSException, ClientException
- SetBucketQosInfoRequest
instance that has the bucket name and bucket qos info.OSSException
- OSS Server side exception.ClientException
- OSS Client side exception.BucketQosInfo getBucketQosInfo(String bucketName) throws OSSException, ClientException
- The bucket name.BucketQosInfo
- OSS Server side exception.ClientException
- OSS Client side exception.BucketQosInfo getBucketQosInfo(GenericRequest genericRequest) throws OSSException, ClientException
- GenericRequest
instance that has the bucket name.BucketQosInfo
- OSS Server side exception.ClientException
- OSS Client side exception.void deleteBucketQosInfo(String bucketName) throws OSSException, ClientException
- The bucket nameOSSException
- OSS Server side exception.ClientException
- OSS Client side exception.void deleteBucketQosInfo(GenericRequest genericRequest) throws OSSException, ClientException
- A GenericRequest
instance that has the bucket nameOSSException
- OSS Server side exception.ClientException
- OSS Client side exception.UserQosInfo getUserQosInfo() throws OSSException, ClientException
- OSS Server side exception.ClientException
- OSS Client side exception.SetAsyncFetchTaskResult setAsyncFetchTask(String bucketName, AsyncFetchTaskConfiguration asyncFetchTaskConfiguration) throws OSSException, ClientException
- The bucket name.asyncFetchTaskConfiguration
- The async fetch task configuration.SetAsyncFetchTaskResult
- OSS Server side exception.ClientException
- OSS Client side exception.SetAsyncFetchTaskResult setAsyncFetchTask(SetAsyncFetchTaskRequest setAsyncFetchTaskRequest) throws OSSException, ClientException
- A SetAsyncFetchTaskRequest
instance that specified the bucket name
and the task configuration.SetAsyncFetchTaskResult
- OSS Server side exception.ClientException
- OSS Client side exception.GetAsyncFetchTaskResult getAsyncFetchTask(String bucketName, String taskId) throws OSSException, ClientException
- The bucket name.taskId
- The id of the task which you want to get.GetAsyncFetchTaskResult
- OSS Server side exception.ClientException
- OSS Client side exception.GetAsyncFetchTaskResult getAsyncFetchTask(GetAsyncFetchTaskRequest getAsyncFetchTaskRequest) throws OSSException, ClientException
- A GetAsyncFetchTaskRequest
instance that specified the bucket name
and the task id.GetAsyncFetchTaskResult
- OSS Server side exception.ClientException
- OSS Client side exception.void createUdf(CreateUdfRequest createUdfRequest) throws OSSException, ClientException
- A CreateUdfRequest
- OSS Server side exception.ClientException
- OSS Client side exception.UdfInfo getUdfInfo(UdfGenericRequest genericRequest) throws OSSException, ClientException
List<UdfInfo> listUdfs() throws OSSException, ClientException
void deleteUdf(UdfGenericRequest genericRequest) throws OSSException, ClientException
void uploadUdfImage(UploadUdfImageRequest uploadUdfImageRequest) throws OSSException, ClientException
List<UdfImageInfo> getUdfImageInfo(UdfGenericRequest genericRequest) throws OSSException, ClientException
void deleteUdfImage(UdfGenericRequest genericRequest) throws OSSException, ClientException
void createUdfApplication(CreateUdfApplicationRequest createUdfApplicationRequest) throws OSSException, ClientException
UdfApplicationInfo getUdfApplicationInfo(UdfGenericRequest genericRequest) throws OSSException, ClientException
List<UdfApplicationInfo> listUdfApplications() throws OSSException, ClientException
void deleteUdfApplication(UdfGenericRequest genericRequest) throws OSSException, ClientException
void upgradeUdfApplication(UpgradeUdfApplicationRequest upgradeUdfApplicationRequest) throws OSSException, ClientException
void resizeUdfApplication(ResizeUdfApplicationRequest resizeUdfApplicationRequest) throws OSSException, ClientException
UdfApplicationLog getUdfApplicationLog(GetUdfApplicationLogRequest getUdfApplicationLogRequest) throws OSSException, ClientException
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