程序包 | 说明 |
com.aliyun.oss | |
com.aliyun.oss.common.comm |
限定符和类型 | 类和说明 |
class |
ClientBuilderConfiguration |
限定符和类型 | 方法和说明 |
ClientConfiguration |
OSSClient.getClientConfiguration() |
ClientConfiguration |
ClientConfiguration.setSLDEnabled(boolean enabled)
Sets the flag of using SLD (Second Level Domain) style to access the
ClientConfiguration |
ClientConfiguration.setSupportCname(boolean supportCname)
Sets the flag if supporting Cname in the endpoint.
构造器和说明 |
OSSClient(String endpoint,
CredentialsProvider credsProvider,
ClientConfiguration config)
Uses the specified
CredentialsProvider , client configuration and
OSS endpoint to create a new OSSClient instance. |
OSSClient(String endpoint,
String accessKeyId,
String secretAccessKey,
ClientConfiguration config)
OSSClient(String endpoint,
String accessKeyId,
String secretAccessKey,
String securityToken,
ClientConfiguration config)
限定符和类型 | 字段和说明 |
protected ClientConfiguration |
ServiceClient.config |
限定符和类型 | 方法和说明 |
ClientConfiguration |
ServiceClient.getClientConfiguration() |
构造器和说明 |
DefaultServiceClient(ClientConfiguration config) |
ServiceClient(ClientConfiguration config) |
TimeoutServiceClient(ClientConfiguration config) |
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